
Category Archives: Heart Health

Is Your Job Hurting Your Heart?

The average workweek has become increasingly longer as there is a higher demand from employees. This means that many of us are spending longer hours at the office or even bringing our work home with us. As demand increases, so does the length of the work week. Many companies admire employees who dedicate their days here to read more

This Is the Worst Oil for Your Cholesterol

If coconut oil is your go-to, then keep reading… A Harvard professor has come out stating that coconut oil is “pure poison” and can raise your cholesterol levels. He furthered his statement by saying it’s “one of the worst foods you can eat.” The popularity of coconut oil has been on the rise, as it here to read more

Does an Aspirin a Day Help You Age Better?

Many people take a daily aspirin to reduce their risk of a cardiovascular-related condition. A recent study further explored the benefits and risks of taking a daily low-dose aspirin in older adults without prior cardiovascular events, dementia, or physical disability in people who were free of medical conditions requiring daily aspirin use. The study revealed here to read more

Why It’s so Important to Manage Your Blood Pressure

The importance of lowering and managing blood pressure is continuously stressed, as high blood pressure is linked with a higher risk of heart attack and stroke. But research findings have uncovered another benefit of lowering your blood pressure. Research presented at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference suggests that treating high blood pressure aggressively could protect here to read more


This Common Painkiller Is Hurting Your Heart

Diclofenac is the third most popular type of painkiller, with paracetamol and ibuprofen taking the top two spots. New research on diclofenac has uncovered that it may potentially raise the risk of heart attack. The study found that the use of diclofenac may raise the risk of heart attack and stroke more so than using here to read more

Why You Should Maintain Strong Muscles as You Age

Your heart is a muscle, and like the rest of the muscles in your body, it needs exercise to become strong. The latest research findings suggest that working out your muscles and making them strong can help strengthen your heart and improve cardiovascular health. The study suggests that the heart becomes strong through strong muscles here to read more

Your Cholesterol Goes up Because of This

Many people believe that snoring is a sign of deep sleep. In actuality, snoring can be a sign of sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that causes individuals to stop and start breathing while they sleep, which leads to disrupted sleep. Sleep apnea can drastically raise your risk of premature death. The latest research findings also here to read more

Cardiovascular Disease Risk Lowers with Dairy Consumption: Study

A new study has found that regular consumption of dairy can lower a person’s risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which is currently the leading cause of death around the globe. The findings of the research recommend consuming around three servings of dairy per day to lower risk of cardiovascular disease and cardiovascular-related deaths. The study, here to read more

The Surprising Secret for Healthier Blood Pressure

You may have already noticed that the temperature has begun to drop. With cooler temperatures, there comes a higher risk of illness, but colder temperatures may also be triggering your high blood pressure. Hypertension is a dangerous condition to live with because it often goes symptomless until the situation becomes severe. If you live with here to read more

Men with Coronary Artery Disease Have High Prevalence of COPD

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a term used to describe any progressive pulmonary disease characterized by increased breathlessness. It is currently the fourth leading cause of death internationally and projections expect its status to increase to the third leading cause of death by 2020. It is common for patients with COPD to also suffer here to read more