
Category Archives: General Health

Walking over 4,000 steps a day found to improve cognitive ability in adults 60 and older

Memory loss can disrupt a person’s daily life, present challenges with planning or problem solving, and even make it difficult to perform previously familiar tasks. These are all attributes of a condition called Alzheimer’s disease, which affects nearly 5.5 million Americans today. While being forgetful from time to time is not much of a concern, here to read more

Nano diamonds found to aid root canal recovery

Diamonds are considered the hardest material on the planet and have a number of different industrial applications. However, this commonly found gemstone is more often associated with proposals and getting married, more so than for its practical uses. Diamonds may now have an additional application as new research suggests that nanodiamonds could prevent infections after here to read more

The Healthy Truth: 2017 in review

Dear Friends, The year is very quickly coming to a close, and before we can move into 2018, let’s reminisce about 2017 for a bit. When it comes to health and fitness, 2017 saw a variety of different trends including a move to more plant-based proteins, more holistic approaches to eating and well-being, and focusing here to read more


What causes esophageal varices? Symptoms, treatment, diet, prevention, and prognosis

Esophageal varices are enlarged or swollen blood vessels in the throat and are a manifestation of abnormal blood flow to the liver. Esophageal varices are commonly found in patients with chronic liver disease (liver cirrhosis). Blood flow obstruction causes the blood vessels in the esophagus to dilate due to increased back pressure. The most problematic here to read more

Improve your balance with exercise

Achieving and maintaining a good sense of balance and stability is arguably one of the most difficult and important things a person can do to live a healthy lifestyle. Whether you need to improve your physical, mental, or emotional state, there are numerous effective approaches you can take to work on all three simultaneously or here to read more

Let’s talk about your bladder

Although thousands of men and women suffer from bladder-related health issues, it still continues to be a topic that isn’t often discussed. A survey titled Peehavior found that 62 percent of women aged 40 to 65 don’t think about their bladder health at all. This is quite unfortunate because many women are suffering from leaks here to read more

Chronic fatigue syndrome update: CFS diet, managing CFS in winter, tips for boosting energy

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is often characterized by the inability to perform most activities due to feelings of tiredness. What’s more troubling is that no amount of sleep or energy drinks seem to help. We at Bel Marra feel this is an important condition that our readers should stay informed about, so we have gathered here to read more

Causes of irritable bladder: Symptoms, treatment, and home remedies

Irritable bladder is a term used to describe people suffering from involuntary bladder contractions, which lead to a sudden and urgent need to urinate. Irritable bladder syndrome is often referred to as urge incontinence. When people ask, what is irritable bladder syndrome, doctors usually explain that there are common stimuli that can aggravate the bladder here to read more