
Category Archives: General Health

Erosive (Inflammatory) Osteoarthritis: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Erosive osteoarthritis is an inflammatory disease that impacts the joints in the fingers that allow the hand to flex towards the palm of the hand. These joints are known as interphalangeal joints. Since erosive osteoarthritis is a progressive condition that can limit movement in the hands, the sooner it’s diagnosed and the sooner it’s treated, here to read more

What Is Dry Needling, and Should You Try It?

Have you ever heard of dry needling? If not, no worries, we’ll explain what it is. Dry needling is used to relieve pain and improve mobility issues. The technique involves a “dry” needle – meaning there is no medication on it – being inserted into the muscle. Dry needling may also be referred to as here to read more

Surprising Way to Add Four Years to Your Life

A new study has uncovered that those with close religious affiliations tended to live up to four years longer compared to non-religious persons. The four-year extra longevity was found after considering other factors that could affect mortality including marital status and sex. Lead author Laura Wallace explained, “Religious affiliation had nearly as strong an effect here to read more


Your Most Embarrassing Health Questions Answered

We all have those embarrassing health questions that we’re simply too shy to ask our friends or even doctor about. To keep things anonymous, we have compiled some pretty “embarrassing” health questions that you may be wanting the answer to so that you don’t need to face the embarrassment of asking. Answers to Common Embarrassing here to read more

Top Foods to Help You Build Muscle

You don’t need to be young or a bodybuilder to want to build muscle. Having muscle is an important part of being healthy and being healthy applies to people of all ages. But it isn’t about looking bulky or muscular, it’s about strength and being able to perform tasks on your own. When you have here to read more

What You Need to Know about Electrolytes

You may have heard about electrolytes, but do you really know what they are? Electrolytes are often discussed when it comes to athletes and gym-goers and are the selling factor behind popular sports drinks. But if you aren’t an athlete, do you still need electrolytes? Electrolytes aren’t just found in supplements and sports drinks – here to read more

Simple Trick Adds Years to Your Life

New research findings suggest that the simplest way to add years to your life is by picking up the pace when you walk. The study found that a walking pace of three to 4.3 miles per hour reduced the risk of early death by 20 percent over the course of 15 years. The researcher’s main here to read more

9 Yoga Poses to Strengthen Your Bladder

Kegels are performed by contracting the pelvic floor muscles similar to when you are holding in urine. By holding these muscles momentarily and releasing, you can work on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles, which is great to prevent leaks. Although Kegel exercises are a great way to strengthen pelvic floor muscles, you can prevent leaks here to read more

This Common Infection Could Be Getting a New Treatment

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are quite common, especially among women, and are usually treated with antibiotics. But recent research has found that there may be a new way to treat this common infection. When we talk about microbiomes, we often refer to the gut. A microbiome is a collection of bacteria that supports health. Researchers here to read more

How to Improve the Appearance of Varicose Veins

It’s summertime, which means shorts and skirt season is in full swing. But a problem arises when a person has varicose veins, which can be unsightly and embarrassing. People with legs covered in blue, squiggly veins may feel embarrassed to wear clothing that shows off their legs, so they suffer in the heat, wearing longer here to read more