
Category Archives: Brain Function

Surprising relationship discovered between blood sugar level and brain tumors

Having a tumor in the brain is not only a terrifying thing, but one that carries many debilitating traits along with it, from severe headaches to epileptic episodes. Another debilitating condition is diabetes, and it affects far more people than brain tumors ever could. Living with poorly controlled diabetes can often lead to several neurological here to read more

Confusion in Alzheimer’s disease patients linked to silent seizures

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia characterized by memory loss and decline in other cognitive abilities, resulting in difficulty completing everyday tasks in those affected by the condition. While some degree of memory decline and cognitive problems is common for the elderly, Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging, and here to read more


Walking increases blood circulation to the brain

When somebody mentions the word exercise, usually we imagine heart-pumping workouts or lifting heavy weights. We associate such intense activities with exhaustion that one would feel after a training session which leaves us less inclined to the idea of exercise at all. What most people do not realize is that walking is a great form here to read more

Link between fitness and memory possibly found

It’s been said time and again that maintaining a healthy diet and getting adequate amounts of exercise provides a bounty of physical and mental benefits, including benefits for the memory. However, there was no clear explanation as to how fitness improves this aspect of mental capacity. New research conducted by scientists at the University of here to read more

Protein isolated from blood plasma makes old brain act young again

An unfortunate fact of life is that no one stays young forever. With increased age comes weak muscles, brittle bones, and slower cognitive functioning. Neuronal connections in our brains affecting thinking, understanding, learning, and remembering all are affected with age, and while not useless, they definitely decline. However, a team of researchers at the Stanford here to read more