
Category Archives: Brain Function

Five Things You Can Do to Prevent a Stroke

You could be at risk for a stroke. Your age and family history may have you at a higher risk than others, and that can be scary, especially because you can’t turn back the clock or revise your ancestry. There are, however, several other stroke risk factors that you can influence – as long as here to read more


Can’t Stay Healthy? Sleep Patterns May Play A Role

It’s harder for your body’s immune system to protect you when you don’t get good sleep. Why? Because sleep deprivation is closely associated with higher levels of inflammation. When you’re experiencing high levels of inflammation for extended periods, the risk for conditions like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and more increase. Sleep deprivation is associated here to read more

People With Schizophrenia Are 2.5 Times More Likely Develop Dementia: Study

A recent study has found that people with schizophrenia are 2.5 times more likely to develop dementia than those without mental illness. While the correlation between the two conditions has long been known, researchers are still trying to determine the exact cause. The study’s authors say that more research is needed to better understand the here to read more