
Category Archives: Brain Function

Hearing Birds Chirping Is Associated with an Improvement in Mental Well-being

There’s something about hearing birds chirping that is so peaceful and calming, and it turns out that this effect can be good for mental health. A recent study has shown that there is a correlation between hearing birds singing and improved mental well-being. Researchers found that participants who heard bird songs reported feeling happier, more here to read more


Study Finds Strong Link between Psychological Stress and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

New research has found a possible link between psychological stress and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). IBS is a condition that affects the large intestine and causes abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. While the cause of IBS is unknown, it’s thought to be related to changes in how the brain and gut interact. There here to read more

Traffic-Related Air Pollution in Residential Areas Increases Dementia Risk: Study

Did you know that living in a busy city or even a residential area can increase your risk for dementia? A new study has linked traffic-related air pollution to an increased incidence of the neurodegenerative disease. Researchers found that for every one microgram per cubic meter (µg/m3) increase of fine particulate matter exposure, the risk here to read more

Study Reveals Poor Sleep Could Increase Risk Of Glaucoma And Irreversible Sight Loss

A lack of sleep could lead to an increased risk of developing glaucoma and sight loss, according to a recent study. Glaucoma is a leading cause of blindness, and the findings suggest that getting enough shut-eye may be an important factor in prevention. Additionally, researchers believe that poor sleep can lead to several health problems, here to read more

Try This Life Hack for Better Health as You Age

Sleep is back at it again. New research is showing that if you aren’t getting enough of it, you face a higher risk of developing multiple illnesses and early death. Put simply, getting better sleep could help you prevent illness, stay healthy, and live longer and better. A research team comprised of members from France, here to read more

Childhood Temperament Can Identify Future Risks of Anxiety and Depression: Study

According to recent research, childhood temperament and a neural process may predict the risk of developing anxiety and depression later in life. This new information from The University of Texas at Dallas could help shape how mental health is handled in adolescence and early adulthood. The study analyzed information from 165 individuals from 4 months here to read more

Try Mindful Eating to Lower Your Risk for Disease

Do you remember the last time you sat down and enjoyed a quiet, peaceful meal without any distractions? I mean no television, texting, or checking social media feeds, just you and the food. For many, a leisurely meal is a rare occurrence. Instead, eating on the run and focusing attention elsewhere is far more common. here to read more

Night Sweats Might Be the Worst Part of Menopause

According to a new survey, night sweats might be the worst part of menopause. Although night sweats and hot flashes are both distressing symptoms that affect quality of life, the survey of 200 women found night sweats to be the most stressful. Sleep disturbance is a huge detriment for women going through menopause. It has here to read more