
Category Archives: Brain Function

Commonly Used Sweetener Found Linked to Anxiety: Study

Aspartame, the commonly used artificial sweetener found in countless food and beverage products, has been linked to significant mental health impacts, including anxiety. Many of us have grown up with it being part of our diets, but recent research has connected its consumption to mental health issues. Our casual choice to enjoy sugar-free drinks or here to read more

Older Adults Participating in Group Exercise May Boost Physical, Mental Health: Study

As we age, exercise is essential to our physical health and mental health. This can be especially important for older adults, as engaging in physical activity has been linked to increased emotional stability, improved focus and memory recall, better cardiovascular health, and even lowered risk for chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes. But obtaining those here to read more

A Little Stress Can Be a Good Thing

The holidays can present a wonderful opportunity to slow down and enjoy life. But they also produce a lot of stress leading up to those moments. But guess what? A new study shows that a little bit of stress can be good. Everybody knows that bad chronic stress can contribute to health problems, but there here to read more

Try Eating These to Slow Mental Decline

According to new research, eating more berries and drinking tea may help you stay mentally sharp longer. A case study of more than 900 adults found that foods featuring antioxidant flavonoids could offer brain benefits to older adults. Flavonoids are found in foods and drinks like berries, leafy green vegetables, tea, wine, and more. The here to read more


Joint Hypermobility Associated with Risk of Depression and Anxiety: Study

New research from Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS) suggests that hypermobile joints may be linked with the emergence of depression and anxiety in adolescence. The study looked at the relationship between psychiatric symptoms and patients with hypermobility. Psychiatric problems can start before the age of 25, including depression and anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to here to read more

10 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise with Exposure Therapy Reduces PTSD Symptoms: Study

New research led by UNSW Sydney psychologists suggests that exposure therapy and aerobic exercise may help reduce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. It is common for people with PTSD to be encouraged to try exposure therapy, but up to half of the patients don’t respond to it. This lack of response from patients to exposure here to read more

How to Beat Thanksgiving Anxiety

As much as you might like the food and the thought of seeing your family, it’s not untrue to suggest that Thanksgiving is no picnic. The images on television are often supplanted when real life takes over. For many, the holidays can be riddled with anxiety. Some common causes could be the preparation it requires, here to read more