
Category Archives: Brain Function

Why You Should Be Eating More Grapes and Blueberries

If you want to slow down memory loss and aging, then get your hands on grapes and blueberries. Latest research findings have uncovered that eating these fruits in combination can have a dramatic effect on your brain health. Previous studies have found that consuming foods high in polyphenols can help slow down the physical effects here to read more

Daytime Sleepiness in Elderly Associated with Alzheimer’s Disease: Study

A new study has found that people who report sleepiness are more likely to demonstrate markers which could lead to Alzheimer’s later on. Specifically, these people showed a build up of beta-amyloid brain deposits. Beta-amyloid is a protein that is an early indicator of Alzheimer’s later in life. Previous studies have found that poor sleep here to read more


How to treat catatonic depression? Symptoms and causes

Catatonic depression is a subset of depression that is characterized by additional symptoms of extended periods without speaking and remaining motionless for a long time. The term catatonic is not a separate illness, but rather considered an additional part of an already present diagnosis. Other illnesses such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia could also have here to read more

The Side Effect of Too Little Sleep

Experts recommend between seven to eight hours of sleep, and for good reason. The latest research findings note that continuously getting less than seven hours of sleep can speed up heart aging. The same is said for over-sleepers. The study found that Americans who slept for seven hours had the lowest heart risk on average, here to read more

Can Your Eyes Reveal Your Alzheimer’s Risk?

It is often said that the eyes are the window to the soul, but they may also be the window to brain health. American researchers may have uncovered a new eye test that reveals a person’s Alzheimer’s risk, even before symptoms are experienced. Researcher Dr. Gregory Van Stavern explained, “The eye can really serve as here to read more

What Are the Yoga Poses for Depression?

Over the last few decades, a number of studies have concluded that yoga is a useful treatment for some diseases. Now, more evidence seems to suggest that yoga can be effective for treating depression. Several medical and scientific studies on yoga indicate that conditions including osteoarthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, drug addiction, and mental health here to read more

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients Should Be Monitored for Erectile Dysfunction

Obstructive sleep apnea is the periodic cessation of breathing during sleep, cutting off oxygen to the brain and lungs. It’s a relatively common chronic condition that is believed to affect 10 percent of middle-aged men. The condition can be asymptomatic but often results in poorer sleep quality, sleepiness during the daytime, and lowered quality of here to read more

Poor Sleep Quality Associated with Increased Risk of Atherosclerosis: Study

A study was recently published finding that sleeping less than six hours per night or waking up several times during the night can increase your risk of developing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular condition characterized by the build-up of plaque inside the blood vessels. The condition can be asymptomatic over decades of a person’s life, here to read more