Articles Related To Arthritis.



Category Archives: Arthritis

Could This Drug-Free Approach Help Relieve Your Arthritis Pain?

Approximately 50 million American adults report being told by their medical practitioner that they suffer from some form of arthritis, such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus or fibromyalgia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. By 2030, this number is expected to rise even higher, to approximately 67 million sufferers. Arthritis pain can here to read more


Wood Implants for Joint Health – Gaining Popularity?

Arthritis pertains to a disorder involving the joints, often resulting in joint stiffness and pain.  This condition often affects older adults and may involve the knees, hips, and back.  Arthritis is considered as an indicator for joint health and thus physicians and health organizations have actively campaigned for healthy lifestyles, including eating nutritious food items here to read more

The Top 5 Places to Grow Old

There are approximately 80 million baby boomers in the United States that are nearing senior citizen status.  According to The Milken Institute, aging Americans want to remain healthy, active, and engaged, and want to be contributing members of society.   With this in mind, leaders across the United States are developing solutions that will enable successful here to read more

Men and Women Look at Arthritis Differently

The process of aging is generally associated with changes in various parts of the body, including that of the bones, which may cause pain. For some adults, changes in bone health during aging could result in joint pain, attributable to inflammation of specific areas that are commonly involved in movement. In addition, this pain could here to read more

This Scares Elderly People More Than Death

As people age, you would think their biggest concern would be their general health care but studies around the world, including in the United States, Canada, and Britain all show the same trend…the elderly are more concerned about losing their independence. Some research shows that they are more worried about independence than they are about here to read more

The Exciting New Arthritis Discovery

For years scientific researchers have been investigating the relationship between our stomachs and our auto immune system. Today they say there is evidence bacteria in our abdomens can trigger auto immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis. Thousands of people are stricken in the prime of their lives with arthritis; it is not just the elderly that here to read more

Stay Active with Arthritis

Joint stiffness, pain and inflammation are common symptoms of arthritis and prevent many people from participating in everyday activities. Staying active when you have arthritis is important as it will help to maintain your bone health and improve your quality of life. What is Arthritis? Arthritis is a term used for joint inflammation. Arthritis consists here to read more

Video Home Exercise Helps Joint Pain

Do you suffer from joint pain or joint stiffness? Have you been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteoarthritis? According to Osteoporosis Canada, osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and the deterioration of bone tissue, which leads to increased bone fragility and the risk of broken bones, especially bones of the hip, spine and here to read more