Articles Related To Weight Management.



Category Archives: Weight Management

Can Going Low-Carb Keep Your Brain Young?

Ketogenic and low-carbohydrate diets have been the rage for quite some time. But they might help you do more than just lose weight. According to some new research, cutting carbs might slow, or prevent, brain aging. Your brain requires about 20% of your body’s total energy stores to function properly. The energy comes from two here to read more

Are All Plant-Based Diets Created Equal?

If the goal is heart health, blood sugar control, or management for seemingly countless conditions, what’s the universal answer? Say it with me: Eat more plant-based foods. But does a plant-based diet necessarily mean you’re going to experience a drop in blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, and improve your heart health? Not exactly, says a here to read more


People with Atrial Fibrillation Who Get Regular Exercise May Live Longer Life

New research has found that patients with atrial fibrillation (Afib) who get regular exercise may have a longer life expectancy. Compared to their sedentary counterparts, patients with the common heart rhythm problem can benefit by staying physically active. In atrial fibrillation, the heart muscle quivers rather than contracting normally due to chaotic electrical impulses in here to read more

Build A Healthier Gut

Your gut is a magical place. There are tens of trillions of bacteria in your gut doing work. They can either help you break down and absorb nutrients, silence inflammation and promote immunity, clear up brain fog, or they can do the opposite. And although genetics may have a small role in what’s happening in here to read more

Diet Doesn’t Matter: Food Choices Do

It seems that regardless of what kind of health condition you’re trying to manage or prevent, a healthy diet is always central. Heart-healthy, joint health, vein health, cholesterol, and brain health can all be enhanced or ruined by eating. For a lot of these conditions, you’ve heard the best way to eat is probably the here to read more

Should You Be on a Gluten-Free Diet?

A gluten-free diet sounds like a pretty good idea, right? Not exactly. The truth is that a gluten-free diet is neither good nor bad on its own. It all depends on who’s eating it. A gluten-free diet is a good idea if you have celiac disease, a condition affecting roughly 1 in 100 people worldwide. here to read more

Do You Really Need to Stretch?

You’re often told that before and after exercise, you should stretch, but why is this constantly being recommended? Sometimes you’re on a time crunch and simply don’t have time to stretch, so you get in the gym, go through your workout, and head out. Maybe you feel fine after and think you don’t need stretching. here to read more