
Simple trick boosts heart health

Flu season is here, and as you know, your number one defense against the virus is your annual flu shot. Last year’s flu vaccine was highly effective, but mind you, warmer temperatures of the previous winter kept the flu virus at bay as well. This year, the Farmer’s Almanac is calling for lower temperatures and ...click here to read more

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics

Heart attack, stroke, and heart failure hospitalization risk may be reduced with flu vaccine in type 2 diabetics. Dr. Eszter Vamos and coauthors wrote, “In this large population-based study, influenza vaccination in people with type 2 diabetes was associated with reductions in rates of hospital admission for acute cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and in all-cause ...click here to read more

Many parents believe flu vaccination is unnecessary

Flu vaccination is recommended as an effective preventative measure against the flu, yet many parents believe getting flu shots for their children is unnecessary. Lead author of the study Dr. Scott Field said, “The first and most common reason could encompass a belief that risk for contracting influenza is low in their family as well ...click here to read more

Health officials concerned about low flu shot numbers, especially among older adults

Although last year’s flu vaccine was the most successful yet, low vaccination rates last season have health officials worried for another low turnout this year, especially among the elderly. Dr. Tom Frieden, the CDC director, warned, “Flu is serious. Flu is unpredictable. Flu often gets not enough respect. If we could increase vaccination coverage in ...click here to read more

Tips to protect yourself from the flu

With the end of summer, the new season kicks in – the flu season. Even if it isn’t quite cold outside just yet, it’s a good time to start preparing yourself for the flu season ahead, and the best way to do that is with the flu shot. Although last flu season was considered quite ...click here to read more

Common cold vs. flu (influenza), differences in symptoms, transmission, and treatment

Distinguishing between the common cold and the flu (influenza) may be quite different as they do share many similar traits. Furthermore, a person can experience both a cold and the flu simultaneously, which can make diagnosis even more difficult. The best way to decipher between the common cold and flu is recognizing the differences in ...click here to read more