Search Results for: brain


Key Mental Abilities Can Improve during Aging: Study

Aging has long been linked to a decline in mental health and abilities, but new research from Georgetown University Medical Center is shedding new light on the subject. The findings of the new study published in Nature Human Behavior show that two key brain functions can improve in older adults. These brain functions allow new here to read more

A Colorful Diet Could Defend against Dementia

A new study suggests eating colorful foods may help defend against dementia, so head to the grocery store for some berries, orange juice, and apples. Research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health suggests that the more colorful fruits and vegetables a person eats, the better protection they appear to have from cognitive here to read more

Protect Yourself from Lyme Disease

When you head out this summer, pay attention to some unwanted company: ticks. Black-legged ticks, or Deer ticks, can transmit Lyme disease, a potentially serious illness. Ticks hang out in wooded areas and long grass, waiting to catch a ride on your skin. If you pick one up along the way and they bite you, here to read more


The People That Might Save Your Memory

Doctors and other health professionals are skilled at keeping you functioning optimally. But they are also the preferred last line of defense. The truth is that there are a bunch of other people that can help keep you healthy. And they don’t cost a thing. The people in your life play a major role in here to read more

It Might Be Time to Revive the Lost Art of Penmanship

Penmanship truly is a lost art. But it’s not just that keyboards and screens are robbing the world of beautifully crafted shapes, letters, and stories. They could be slowing your brain down too. New research suggests that handwriting may be the best modality to learn new information. A study published in Psychological Science found that here to read more

New Study Indicates Potential “Migraine Diet”

Are the benefits of fatty fish ever going to end? Already noted for being great at supporting cardiovascular health and a healthier brain, new work is showing they may affect migraine headaches. Fatty fish like tuna, salmon, and mackerel may help reduce the intensity and frequency of migraine headaches, according to a new study. But here to read more
