Search Results for: dementia


Functional incontinence causes, symptoms, and treatment

Functional incontinence is a type of incontinence where the person does not recognize or feel the urge to urinate.  People who have functional incontinence have a difficult time getting to the toilet. The problem could be that a person can’t get to the washroom quickly due to mobility restrictions or is slow to remove clothing. Some people here to read more

25 Best Foods to Increase Brainpower

The brain is really like a control center for the entire body, which means you must feed it well, and that includes eating foods for brainpower. Our brains keep our hearts beating, help control our breathing, assist our movement, and allow us to feel and think. It should be obvious that we need to keep here to read more

Delay memory loss with this favorite past time

For some, knitting is a favorite past time because it’s calming and creative. You put together different color yarns to create something useful like socks, sweaters, or scarves. Aside from being relaxing and a creative outlet, a Turkish University is now teaching their seniors how to knit as a means of protecting their memories. In here to read more

Cognitive decline after a stroke reduced with MIND diet

Cognitive decline, often observed in patients surviving a stroke, can be slowed down with a MIND diet. Researchers at Rush University Medical Center examined the MIND diet and claim that it reduces the risk of dementia that is commonly observed in stroke survivors. The MIND diet (Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is a combination here to read more


Why it’s so important to build muscle in older age

Dementia and cognitive decline are serious threats to older adults, but the threat is reduced for older adults who maintain strong muscles. The Finnish study looked at the association between upper and lower body muscle strength with cognitive function. The study consisted of 338 men and women with the average age of 66 years. Muscle here to read more

Is anxiety an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease?

A new study has produced information suggesting that there could be an association between anxiety and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The connection was found between elevated amyloid beta levels and increased anxiety symptoms. The findings back up the hypothesis that neuropsychiatric symptoms could be an early representation of Alzheimer’s disease in older adults. Alzheimer’s disease causes here to read more
