Search Results for: arthritis


8 causes of your joint pain

Many seniors suffer from joint pain. From achy knees to cracking elbows, joint pain can damper your ability to perform day-to-day tasks. People will simply take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory drug for their joint pain. Although this offers temporary relief, it doesn’t fix the cause of the problem. There are numerous reasons for joint pain, including here to read more

7 essential oils for acid reflux or heartburn

Essential oils can be a good choice for treating heartburn. Almost everyone will experience heartburn (acid reflux) at some point in their lives. It is a feeling of burning pain in the chest that may occur after eating a spicy meal or when lying down. It is estimated that about 40 percent of Americans suffer here to read more

High homocysteine levels: Causes and diagnosis

High homocysteine levels are associated with increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. Homocysteine is an amino acid and is a breakdown product of protein metabolism. It is thought that having excessive levels of this amino acid contribute to the formation of plaque, damaging arterial walls. High levels of homocysteine may also increase the risk here to read more

Potential vaccine for gonorrhea found

Sexually transmitted disease comes in many forms and is something that we’ve all been told to be careful of when starting new relationships. Gonorrhea (Neisseria gonorrhoeae) is one such infection that can be contracted from unprotected sexual intercourse. Gonorrhea is responsible for more than 800,000 new infections each year, and less than half are detected here to read more

Essential oils for knee pain relief

Knee pain is a common condition that can affect people of any age. There are a variety of reasons why it can occur. Knee pain can be caused by an acute injury suffered during a freak accident or a sporting injury, or it can be more chronic in nature, resulting from conditions such as arthritis, here to read more

This could be the cause of your low energy

There are several causes of low energy including poor sleep, medical conditions, poor nutrition, lack of physical exercise, and stress. But research suggests that for some, low energy and constant fatigue may stem from your genetic make-up. There’s a huge difference between occasional tiredness and chronic tiredness. When tiredness is chronic, you may have difficulties here to read more

10 best essential oils for high cholesterol reduction

Cholesterol is a substance in the body that helps build healthy cells and promote proper nerve and cell function. However, too much cholesterol may result in fatty deposits in your blood vessels, making it difficult for blood to circulate properly. When there is a significant blockage of blood flow, tissues and organs like the heart here to read more


9 foods that help you live longer

The secret to longevity and long-lasting health is enjoying your life and staying happy. Of course, some hard work is required to take care of your health and set yourself on the right path, but in doing so, you should not forget to have fun. And that includes enjoying good food. You’ve probably noticed that here to read more
