Search Results for: arthritis


How to manage pain in the upper left back

While not as common as lower back pain, upper back pain still plagues many people on a daily basis. The upper left back is the region to the left, below the neck (cervical spine), and above the lower back (lumbar spine). The upper back is often referred to as the thoracic spine and is generally here to read more

Avoid these foods if you have joint pain

Our diet can have a large influence on how we feel. Certain foods can upset our stomachs, others affect our mood, and some can make our joint pain worse. Some foods work to reduce inflammation, bringing you some relief from your joint pain. On the other hand, others trigger inflammation and will cause your joints here to read more

What causes swollen knuckles and how to reduce swelling?

We use our hands every day, which is why having swollen knuckles can be severely encumbering and prevent us from doing the things we love. The knuckles are involved in nearly all functions of finger movement. When the knuckles become swollen, it becomes exceedingly difficult to flex the fingers properly. Swollen knuckles are often accompanied here to read more

15 bone strengthening exercises for strong bones

Our bones are strong parts of our body that help support and protect our various organs. They are also vital for producing red and white blood cells, storing minerals, and enabling mobility. All of these aspects contribute to our overall health, which makes keeping them strong and healthy a priority. Unfortunately, getting older can slowly here to read more


5 foods to ease joint pain

When your joints start to ache, you probably reach for an anti-inflammatory or topical cream. But instead, you can start relieving joint pain from within by incorporating specific foods into your diet. Joint pain can occur for several reasons, including being overweight, inadequate vitamin D and calcium levels, previous injuries, lack of exercise, arthritis, over-exertion here to read more

How to use essential oils for back pain relief

At least 80 percent of the population will experience back pain or spasms at some point in their lives, and essential oils for back pain has become a common treatment. Back pain has many different causes and can be acute or chronic. For instance, acute back pain can be due to strained muscles or ligaments here to read more

Muscle fatigue: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Muscle fatigue is something that we can all experience and while it may be a minor nuisance in many cases, there are situations where a person has difficulty recovering from muscle exhaustion, thus requiring medical attention. Knowing the causes, signs, and symptoms of muscle fatigue can be helpful in determining treatment methods and whether you here to read more
