Search Results for: brain


Use Your Body to Boost Your Brain

People don’t typically associate bodies with brains. Think about it: the stereotypical jock is all muscle and no brains, while brainiacs are usually small and skinny. But your body does have a lot to do with how your brain works. Living an active life that includes plenty of exercises can help you stay sharp in here to read more

Your Tired Brain on Coffee

I slept poorly last night. I’m sure you’ve been there too. And like me, you’ve probably made your coffee a little stronger when you struggle with slumber. Of course, you might notice it can only do so much. Sure, coffee can boost your alertness and keep you awake the next day, but research suggests it’s here to read more

Too Much TV Time Could Dull Your Brain

You may have heeded the warnings of your parents as a youngster that too much TV may rot your brain. They might have been right. Three new studies have linked TV viewing in middle-age to a higher risk of cognitive decline. The research suggests that watching even moderate amounts of TV may impair memory and here to read more

Lifestyle Factors to Help Improve Brain Aging

Brain health can be a little more confusing than heart and lung health, for example. You’ve surely heard how diet and lifestyle can play a role in improving physical health. Many of the same recommendations may have a positive effect on your brain. A nutrient-rich diet, healthy weight, and good circulation are all associated with here to read more

Use Your Body to Boost Brain Power

A healthy body likely leads to a healthy brain. This is excellent news for anybody looking to stave off future cognitive decline and potentially prevent or delay dementia. Exercise is closely associated with a healthy brain. Plenty of data exists to show that when people live an active lifestyle, they are mentally sharper and experience here to read more


High Blood Sugar Is No Good for Your Brain

When you hear about high blood sugar, what comes to mind? Diabetes risk, weight gain, and maybe a risk to heart health? But what about your brain? High blood sugar – even below diabetes levels – may boost the risk of dementia. A new study from University College London in the UK found that “prediabetes” here to read more
