Search Results for: calories


Digestion Begins with This…

Do you know when digestion really begins? You may think it starts the moment food enters the stomach, but that’s incorrect. You may have heard it begins while chewing. Close, but still wrong. The digestive process actually begins the moment you smell and see food. Once food is presented and you can see and smell here to read more

Osteoarthritis Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid

Over 30 million adults in the United States suffer from arthritis, including osteoarthritis. While all experience some level of pain and stiffness, an osteoarthritis diet may help their symptoms. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis. It happens when cartilage in the joints breaks down. The majority of people who suffer from OA here to read more

6 Benefits of Sleeping an Extra Hour

How many hours of sleep do you typically get? If it’s not between seven and nine hours, then, unfortunately, you are probably sleep-deprived. Lack of sleep and poor sleep is a serious epidemic across the country, and it can lead to serious health consequences. Just by adding an extra hour of sleep each night to here to read more

5 Reasons to Eat Taro Root

You may have seen more taro root in supermarkets and even in beverages, but maybe you aren’t quite sure what it is or how to even enjoy it. First off, taro root is a starchy root vegetable originating in Asia. When cooked, taro has a slightly sweet taste and a texture similar to a potato. here to read more

The Dangers of Low-Calorie Diets You Need to Know About

Low-calorie diets are very popular as a means to lose weight, but research suggests they can have detrimental consequences on your bones and muscles. An Australian study suggests that low calorie diets can result in weaker handgrip strength and reduce bone mineral density (BMD). These effects were seen more so among women. The study included here to read more

Best Probiotic Foods for Healthy Digestion

Good bacteria can help keep your gut healthy, but some people aren’t aware of the best probiotic foods for healthy digestion. There are many foods that contain probiotics, and they are easy to incorporate into your daily routine. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that are good for our digestive system. This can be hard here to read more


10 Benefits of Celery Juice

Juicing has become a very popular trend, and for good reason. You can easily drink up a slew of vitamin-rich fruits and veggies quite quickly. One type of juice you should integrate into your daily diet due to the slew of health benefits associated with it is celery juice. 10 Benefits of Celery Juice Lower here to read more

These Habits Make You Appear Older

Even if we can’t live forever, we can do things that make us appear younger, and we aren’t talking about spending hundreds on creams, masks, and other treatments. In fact, simple everyday habits can go a long way in changing your appearance and have people guessing about your real age. Here are six habits which here to read more

Ketogenic Diet May Prevent Cognitive Decline

In recent years, scientists have discovered a much deeper connection between the gut and the brain than what was believed to exist before. The truth of the matter appears to be that the health of either the brain or the stomach has an impact on the other. A new study has found evidence that shows here to read more

Natural Remedies for Osteoarthritis Pain Relief

There are natural ways to manage arthritis pain and good reasons to avoid the drugs. Osteoarthritis is a type of degenerative arthritis meaning that through wear and tear, the cartilage in between the joints diminishes, causing greater friction between joints. Osteoarthritis is irreversible, so proper management of symptoms can help you live a normal life. here to read more

Gallstones Home Remedies and Diet Plan

Gallstones are solid crystalized deposits that form from cholesterol and bile pigments in the gallbladder. There are two types of gallstones: cholesterol gallstones and pigment gallstones. Cholesterol gallstones account for 80 percent of gallstones and are usually yellow-green in color. Pigment gallstones are small, dark, and made up of bilirubin. Gallstones affect approximately 20 percent of women over here to read more
