Articles Related To Healthy Eating.



Category Archives: Healthy Eating

Getting your protein needs met

A balanced diet is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Eat right and your body will run on full all day long. Food is your fuel, your source of essential vitamins and nutrients, and it supports your bodily functions and keeps you strong. Speaking of strength, of course, we cannot ignore the here to read more

Homecooked meals promote health and wealth

Eating out at your favorite restaurant or ordering takeout can be an enjoyable experience as it saves us time and mess. But this convenience comes with a hefty price tag to both our wallet and our health. It is estimated that Americans spend about half of their food dollars on meals consumed outside the home, here to read more

400,000 American deaths linked to poor diet

A new study has found that around 400,000 American deaths in 2015 could be attributed to bad diets. An unhealthy diet contributes to heart disease and stroke. Not only does consuming unhealthy foods lead to premature death and disease, but excluding healthy food options such as nuts, vegetables, and whole grains can also increase the here to read more


Ketogenic diet may alleviate gout

Gout sufferers may be able to find relief of painful symptoms by switching to a high-fat, low carbohydrate ketogenic diet. Gout affects over 8 million Americans and is characterized by pain, inflammation, and even fevers during flare-ups, all symptoms that are caused by the continuous reactivation of the immune system. When urate crystals build up here to read more

16 superfoods for a healthy heart

Diet has a large impact on our health. What we eat can either keep us energized or make us sick. Consuming saturated fats, sodium, and sugar-loaded foods as a fuel isn’t good for health in the long run, as our bodies do not get all the necessary nutrients and become prone to serious health conditions, here to read more

Following a gluten-free diet could increase your risk of arsenic, mercury exposure

The risk of exposure to toxic metals like arsenic and mercury may be increased by consuming a gluten-free diet, according to a study recently put forth by the University of Illinois at Chicago. Exposure to these substances has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and neurological issues. While it is recommended that here to read more

Foods for your mood

Dreary winter weather can have a negative effect on your mood, making you feel sluggish and blue. While depression and anxiety are serious mental illnesses that should be assessed by your doctor, a simple bad day that leaves you glum may be able to be treated with a snack. Discover some of the best foods here to read more

The one meal you should never skip

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We know it – but we may not know why. Research suggests that people who don’t skip breakfast tend to weigh less than those who do. Breakfast is particularly important for diabetes prevention and management. The latest studies on breakfast and health have uncovered that eating here to read more

6 foods you should never eat raw

Some foods can be eaten raw, while others are good only when cooked. Meat, for the most part, should be cooked in order to reduce the risk of salmonella and other bacteria. On the other hand, many vegetables and fruits can be eaten raw – as long as they are washed thoroughly. But there are here to read more