Articles Related To Healthy Eating.



Category Archives: Healthy Eating

How to achieve a well-balanced diet

Here at Bel Marra Health we continuously explain to our readers the importance of eating well and a maintaining a balanced diet. We generally give you a few guidelines to follow such as eating more fruits and vegetables, limiting sugar and processed foods and sticking with lean proteins. But there’s more. Not only will understanding here to read more

How to get the most out of this healthy oil

In many heart-healthy and even brain-healthy diets they rave about the use of olive oil. Olive oil, especially the extra virgin type, has been shown to be beneficial to overall health, but is typically advised not to cook with. Although drizzling the golden oil on top of food seems to be helpful, critics say cooking here to read more

Go Pegan: How Paleo meets vegan

Previously we told you about the Paleo diet – a regimen that essentially mimics the eating habits of our cavemen ancestors. And we have already addressed the benefits of going vegan, which means eating no animal products. Well now, there is another diet that merges these two diets together. It’s called Pegan. Before we explain here to read more

Foods that can make you dumb

There are many reasons to eat besides the obvious fuel for our body. Food can help us in many ways. But what we eat really can have an impact on our bodies. Generally, we eat food to make us better, but did you know that some foods can make us feel worse? It’s true. In here to read more


Asparagus: Nutrition and health benefits

Don’t let the side effect of smelly urine turn you off asparagus, it packs many essential vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. Let’s further explore the nutritional value of asparagus along with how it can improve our health. Nutritional value of asparagus First and foremost asparagus contains virtually no fat and it’s very low here to read more

Alkaline vs. acidic: Which is better?

You may have heard that our body naturally has pH levels. This refers to the body being acidic or alkaline. Different parts of the body will reveal a different pH level. Typically, a pH reading of seven is considered neutral. And below a reading of seven means it is more acidic, above seven means more here to read more

Nectarines: Nutrition and health benefits

There are endless options of delicious fruit to choose from. Fruits should be a part of any healthy diet as they provide many vitamins and nutrients that our bodies require to stay healthy. One nutritious fruit, in particular, is the nectarine. Nectarines are similar to peaches and are plentiful in the warmer months. Nectarines are here to read more

Dates: Nutrition and health benefits

Why did the tomato go out with the prune? … Because he couldn’t find a date! Brown, sticky and covered in wrinkles, dates might not look like the most appetizing fruits, but they pack a nutritional punch. Dates are commonly picked between February and March in Arizona and California. They can be eaten fresh or here to read more

Iced tea: Is it good for your health?

You’ve probably seen those commercials for iced tea. As people in the commercial take a sip, they feel instant relief and are refreshed. The commercials make it seem great to relax in the summer heat with some iced tea don’t they? But even though iced tea can be refreshing, it’s important to understand some of here to read more