Articles Related To Healthy Eating.



Category Archives: Healthy Eating

5 vegetables that are healthier when cooked

We know that a good variety of vegetables – the all-time health foods – is recommended for maintaining our overall well-being. But did you know that some vegetables are actually better for you when cooked? If you want to reap maximum health benefits from these five vegetables, cook them instead of eating them raw. 5 here to read more

The Healthy Truth: Essential Oils for Healing

Dear Friend, Have you heard about the “new” health craze? I use the quotations because it’s actually a very old technique, which happens to be gaining quite a momentum in recent years. I’m talking about essential oils that seem to be all the rage nowadays. Scent is a powerful sense and can really take us here to read more

The Healthy Truth: Fit and detox teas

Dear Friend, Ask anyone who knows me, and they will tell you I’m obsessed with tea (I’m drinking some right now as I write this). I have a tea for just about anything. Sore throat? I have a tea. Feel a cold coming up? I have a tea for that, too. People are honestly amazed here to read more


Interstitial cystitis diet: Choose foods to prevent IC naturally

An interstitial cystitis diet may be the answer for many people who suffer from interstitial cystitis. Although research into the painful bladder health problem is ongoing, some evidence seems to suggest that in certain situations, food choices can prevent interstitial cystitis symptoms naturally. In other words, without aggressive, conventional drug intervention. Interstitial cystitis or IC here to read more

Eating disorder patients face higher autoimmune disease risk

Eating disorder patients face a higher autoimmune disease risk, compared to those without eating disorders. The findings come from Finnish researchers who observed an association between eating disorders and autoimmune disease risk. The risk of eating disorders is higher among somatic illnesses like type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel diseases, and other autoimmune diseases. Additionally, a here to read more

Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels

Multiple sclerosis in women can lower food folate, vitamin E, and magnesium levels. A reduction in these vitamins and minerals can lead to serious health consequences, as they work as powerful antioxidants and contribute to overall good health. The researchers looked at 27 Caucasian women with multiple sclerosis and compared them with 30 healthy women here to read more

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, February 21-27, anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder

This past week was National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, which entails conditions like anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorders. Eating disorders are not just means of controlling food, they can have serious health consequences and are often tied to a mental disorder as well. Below are Bel Marra Health’s top news stories on here to read more

Your sleep could depend on what you eat: Study

According to a recent study, lighter sleep, less restorative sleep, and more disrupted sleep are associated with eating unhealthy which includes eating less fiber, more saturated fat and more sugar. The study, led by Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, assistant professor in the department of medicine and Institute of Human Nutrition at Columbia University Medical Center in here to read more