
Category Archives: Colon And Digestive

Irritable bowel syndrome in men associated with greater social stress than in women: Study

Irritable bowel syndrome in men is associated with greater social stress than in women. Researcher Jeffrey Lackner said, “Our findings underscore the significance of studying gender-based differences in how people experience the same disease or condition.” IBS is a common gastrointestinal condition, with symptoms including abdominal pain and diarrhea or constipation. IBS is twice as here to read more

Crohn’s disease patients show signs of mild cognitive impairment: Study

Crohn’s disease patients show signs of mild cognitive impairment. Cognitive responsiveness was found to be 10 percent slower in Crohn’s disease patients, and this impairment was associated with symptom severity and active inflammation. The results go hand in hand with the claims by many patients who report memory lapses and difficulty concentrating. The study also here to read more

Chronic inflammation in Crohn’s disease associated with abdominal tumors (peritoneal mesothelioma): Study

Chronic inflammation in Crohn’s disease is associated with abdominal tumors (peritoneal mesothelioma). The researchers examined data from nearly 3,800 participants with malignant mesothelioma (MM), of which 500 had peritoneal mesothelioma (PM), to look for a possible link with Crohn’s disease. Three of the patients were found to have Crohn’s disease, but only one of them here to read more

Inflammatory bowel disease risk may increase with excessive hygienic environment: Study

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) risk may increase with excessive hygienic environment. The researchers reviewed studies on IBD published between 1980 and 2015, assessing the participants’ contact with pets and farm animals, number of siblings they had, bedroom sharing in childhood, and access to personal toilet and hot water. The data were then sorted by ethnicity. here to read more

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms may be lowered with modified rye bread: Study

Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms are often aggravated by certain foods, but a new study suggests that a certain type of rye bread may help those who suffer from this intestinal disorder. Irritable bowel syndrome, or IBS, is a common gut disorder that can cause abdominal pain and discomfort, and either diarrhea or constipation. People who here to read more


Diverticulosis risk may be lowered with vegetarian diet but not high-fiber diet: Study

The digestive ailment diverticulosis is part of what doctors refer to as diverticular disease, and while for years scientists thought eating a high-fiber diet lowered a person’s risk of developing this condition, new research suggests a vegetarian diet, but not high-fiber diet, could actually help fend off the digestive disorder. Diverticulosis is characterized by the here to read more

Crohn’s disease natural treatment with home remedies

Crohn’s disease, a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is a chronic condition that affects the intestines. The inflammation associated with the disease can trigger abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss, and malnutrition. Inflammation can occur anywhere along the digestive tract, affecting different people differently. Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune disorder, which means the body’s own here to read more

What does yellow poop mean?

Poop is supposed to be brown, right? Well, sometimes, the color of your poop can change, and for a number of different reasons, too. Some causes of color changes are harmless, such as consuming a food or beverages with a certain dye or pigment. Other causes could actually signify a more serious health condition. Yellow poop here to read more

Acute diverticulitis management should be based on disease severity, rather than age of the patient: Study

Acute diverticulitis management should be based on disease severity rather than age of the patient. In a retrospective analysis, the researchers compared the natural history and the course of acute diverticulitis in younger and older patients. Patients younger than 50 had less severe diverticulitis, but a higher recurrence rate. Age was found to be the here to read more

What causes fecal incontinence (bowel incontinence)?

Fecal incontinence (bowel incontinence) is the accidental release of stool. Fecal incontinence may include the inability to hold in stool in time to reach the bathroom or having stool come out without being aware of it. Stool is the combination of waste, undigested food, bacteria, mucus, and dead cells. Fecal incontinence can be an embarrassing here to read more

Irritable bowel syndrome associated with independent brain-to-gut and gut-to-brain pathways: Study

Irritable bowel syndrome is associated with independent brain-to-gut and gut-to-brain pathways, according to research. Researcher Dr. Nicholas J. Talley said, “This is an exciting time as the causes of IBS and other functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) are slowly being unraveled. The recognition that while nerve signaling is bidirectional, either the gut or the brain can here to read more

Inflammatory bowel disease treatment with parasitic worms shows promise: Study

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) treatment with parasitic worms shows promise in a study. The research suggests that strategically placing parasitic worms could change the bacterial balance in the gut, this way overpowering the harmful inflammation-inducing organisms. The study adds to the piling evidence to suggest that excessive sterility and cleanliness could actually be harmful. The here to read more

Gastroparesis causes, symptoms, and treatments

Gastroparesis is a condition in which the stomach motility (spontaneous contraction of the muscles) does not function properly. When stomach muscles are strong and healthy, they push the food forward along the digestive tract, until it is ready to be released through the bowels. In gastroparesis, the motility is limited or does not work at here to read more

Diverticulitis complications: Rectal bleeding, peritonitis, abscess, fistulas, and intestinal obstruction

If diverticulitis is left untreated, complications can arise, including rectal bleeding, peritonitis, abscess, fistulas, and intestinal obstruction. Diverticulitis is brought on by infection or rupture of diverticula, which are bulges forming in the lower part of the large intestine or colon. The risk of developing diverticula is usually higher for people over 40. Diverticula themselves here to read more