Articles Related To Mental Health.



Category Archives: Mental Health

Depression and stress levels increase risk of liver disease, hepatitis

Depression, anxiety and stress levels have been shown to increase the risk of death by liver disease. The findings come from the University of Edinburgh, and it’s the first study to identify a possible link between psychological distress and death resulting from various forms of liver disease. The researchers are still unsure as to the here to read more

Parasomnia sleep disorders and link with obstructive sleep apnea

With 40 million Americans suffering from sleep disorders, research into sleep behavior is constant, and in recent years experts have been able to link parasomnia sleep disorders with sleep apnea. Parasomnia sleep disorder is a group of abnormal behaviors that can take place when a person in sleeping. Some sleep disorder parasomnias include sleep-related eating here to read more


Borderline personality disorder (BPD) affects mood, personality and relationships

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mood disorder that can put a strain on relationships. BPD is divided into three groups known as cluster A, cluster B and cluster C. Cluster A is when individuals are odd or eccentric and involves symptoms like paranoia or schizotypal personality. Cluster B are those who are highly dramatic, here to read more

Thanksgiving, social anxiety disorder and depression: Overcoming holiday stress

The holiday season, although a joyous time, can be difficult for someone with a social anxiety disorder, which can worsen anxiety, stress and depression. With the upcoming Thanksgiving festivities right around the corner (November 26th, in case you forgot), some of us are rushing around to get things done, while others are dreading the whole here to read more

Seasonal affective disorder (winter depression), adult mood disorders linked to birth seasons

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that commonly affects people during the winter months. As the daylight decreases over the winter, people will feel a depression that goes away during the spring and summer. Women are more likely to experience seasonal affective disorder, along with individuals who live furthest from the equator here to read more

Depression, anxiety and OCD increase sleepwalking risk

Depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) increase the risk of sleepwalking. An estimated 3.6 percent of the adult population in the U.S. are prone to sleepwalking. Researchers from Stanford University School of Medicine have found a link between depression, anxiety and OCD as risk factors of sleepwalking. Sleepwalking is the “arousal of non-REM sleep,” here to read more

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), the leading anxiety disorder for elderly

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) has been found to be the leading anxiety disorder in the elderly. Generalized anxiety disorder consists of persistent, excessive and unrealistic worry. It is a daily occurrence that plagues sufferers. These individuals often expect the worst, even without any reason to believe something bad will occur. Anything in their life can here to read more

Studies show depression and heart disease link

Numerous studies continue to emerge in support of the link between depression and heart attack. In fact, the two play a viscous cycle with each other, meaning one results in the other and vice versa. Roughly one in 10 Americans suffer from depression – 22 million individuals. Furthermore, depression is twice as likely to occur if here to read more