Search Results for: brain


Can a Small Injury Turn into a Chronic Problem?

Acute and chronic inflammation are very different things. But it’s possible that a small, insignificant injury can be the gateway to further problems. Inflammation is a natural response designed to keep you healthy. When you bang your leg, inhale an allergen, or become infected with a virus, your body’s immune system goes to work to here to read more

What to Know about the Alzheimer’s Vaccine Trial

A vaccine for one of the most pressing future health issues could be on the way, and the world is excited. It’s been a pretty big year for vaccines. The global community scrambled together to come up with, and rollout, a vaccine to help curb the cutting pandemic. Other researchers have recently released trial results here to read more


Avoid These Habits to Maximize Energy Levels

Increased age often leads to decreased energy. The hot sun and humidity might not help matters either. As far as age goes, however, it is part of the process. Humans produce less energy at the cellular level as they get older. Chronic illness is also more common with age. But these issues don’t tell the here to read more

The Top 4 Nuts to Include in Your Diet

Don’t be fooled by their small size; nuts are truly mighty nutritional powerhouses. They might even be some of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Each nut has a distinct look and taste, and they all bear slight nutritional differences. It’s hard to say that one is necessarily better than the other because there here to read more
