Articles Related To Exercise.



Category Archives: Exercise

Those Who Exercise Have an Almost 60% Lower Risk of Developing Anxiety Disorders

Those who suffer from anxiety may find relief in daily exercise. According to a new study published in Frontiers in Psychiatry, people who regularly participate in physical activity have a significantly lower risk of developing anxiety compared to those who do not exercise. Many lifestyle changes can help with anxiety, but exercise consistently seems to here to read more

Lifestyle Choices Including Diet, Exercise, and Sleep Patterns Play a Role in Heart Health

Many studies have shown that heart health can depend a lot on diet, exercise and sleep patterns. Although research has shown the beneficial interaction between the brain, lifestyle, and cardiovascular health, what is not known is how exactly these factors affect other bodily functions. Genetics do play an important role in cardiovascular health. Still, as here to read more

Tips to Help You Get the Most from Exercise

Are you really getting the most from your exercise? The truth is that if you’re dedicating time to move every day, you’re already doing a good job. There is so much information out there about optimal conditions, timing, and the like. But it comes down to your personal preferences and goals. Some people may be here to read more


Simple Strength Training Tips

Most people have never lifted weights. You might be one of them. But here’s some advice: you should start. Muscle tissue, bone density, strength, and power all decline with age. You might not have felt the effects much in your 40s and 50s, but there is a good chance you’ll start noticing it soon if here to read more

Burden of Pandemic Has Made Mental Health a Barrier to Physical Activity

Mental health has become the focus of many reports during the coronavirus pandemic. New research from McMaster University suggests that the pandemic has created an unusual situation where mental health has impacted physical activity. It has created a situation for many people, either being a motivator or a barrier to physical activity. Most people want here to read more

Regular Exercise and Following Healthy Diet in Midlife Can Help Avoid Serious Disease Later

To avoid disease later in life, regular exercise and a healthy diet are essential. According to new research published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, following a simple healthy lifestyle can be the key for middle-aged adults achieving optimal cardiometabolic health later in life. Cardiometabolic health risk factors are most noted for including here to read more

Should You Exercise If You’re Feeling Sick?

Exercise is part of building a healthy immune system. It can also help temporarily relieve symptoms associated with illness. Knowing that, it seems like exercise during illness is a no-brainer. But it’s not that simple. So, if you’re feeling sick, should you exercise? The best answer is that it depends. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, there here to read more

The More Exercise People Do in Midlife, the Better Their Brain Health in Later Life

Researchers have found that the more exercise middle-aged adults get, the better their brain health. It has long been known that exercise can improve mental health, but this new study has found evidence on the importance of keeping active in midlife. The study published in Neurology analyzed information from 1,604 volunteers taking part in an here to read more

How to Work Strength Training into Your Routine

I get that you don’t want to start a strength training routine. It’s hard work, intimidating, and a young person’s game. It’s also one of the most beneficial things you can do. Especially if you’re 50, 60, 70-plus, or older. Building strength helps keep your bones and muscles strong and healthy. It can improve mobility, here to read more