Mental Health

People with Families Are More Unhappy

Planning your wedding can create unwanted stress and getting through your big day can create even more stress. Add in the birth of your first child and your stress levels may be through the roof. Can all of this stress affect your mental health? New research, published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, shows that here to read more

Ways to Know Your Drinking is a Problem

A moderate intake of alcohol has been associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, and mental health benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety levels. Moderate is the operative word however, because consuming too much alcohol can have a serious negative impact on your health, your family life and even your career. If you here to read more

Eating Disorders in the Elderly Population

An eating disorder is a common type of psychiatric disorder that primarily affects females and if left untreated, it can result in serious physical and mental health ramifications. Approximately 8 million Americans are currently suffering with an eating disorder, and disordered eating is the psychiatric disorder with the highest mortality rate. Sadly, there is no here to read more

Can You Really “Block” Aggressive Behavior?

There might be no cure, but there is at least some hope for preventative measures for those who have mental health issues specifically surrounding tendencies towards aggressive or angry behavior. New research has identified something within angry mice that also exists in humans, and as a result have found away to shut it off. There here to read more

Study Shows if Stress Makes You a Bad Father

In today’s busy, economically unstable world, almost everyone experiences some degree of anxiety on a regular basis and anxiety disorder is the number one mental health disorder in North America.  Continuous high levels of anxiety can result in a wide array of physical and mental health implications and it has been associated with an increased here to read more

What Stress and Memory Have in Common

It is common knowledge for anyone who has fallen victim to chronic levels of stress that it can be emotionally draining. But now there is new research to lend credibility to the theory. This research has shown that there is a neural mechanism that actually connects repeated stress with impaired memory. The study which can here to read more

Top 10 Bad Sleep Habits Explained

Sleep is a function that is necessary for the proper function of the human body. Many experts recommend that adults get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night to rest their bodies, which ultimately has a series of mental health benefits, including lower stress and anxiety levels. But experts also say several bad sleep here to read more

Stress Makes Men More Friendly

It’s something unusual to watch out for. Stress could be turning your father, brother or husband into a social whiz. According to a new mental health study, many men are considerably more sociable when they are stressed out. The new study, published May 16 in the journal Psychological Science says that men who are under here to read more

Natural Tips for Mood Health

While some people prefer the sights and sounds of busy urban areas, a recent study has shown that it might not be the greatest idea for dealing with your mental health. The research studied whether an hour long nature walk could improve the mental health of participants suffering from clinical depression. According to a science here to read more

Advertisements Encouraging Underage Drinking

Television commercials are catchy marketing strategies that are aimed to encourage viewers to buy their products. From a scientific point of view, television commercials are designed to train the brain in recalling frequently presented items, thus increasing sales of a particular product. This successful performance of advertisements involves influencing the brain and the mental health here to read more

Food That Can Trigger Depression

Hundreds of years ago if you were depressed you were labeled as “mad” or “possessed”. In modern ages; however, doctors learned that psychological disorders explained most of these disturbances. Today, millions of people in North American experience different levels of depression and sometimes diet can explain it. More researchers are reporting that certain kinds of here to read more

How Your Emotions Can Affect Your Health

Fear, anger, depression and satisfaction are the four physiologically grounded human emotions. There are also secondary emotions such as guilt, gratitude, elation, nostalgia, love and shame, which are thought to be acquired during the process of socialization (one’s social upbringing). All of these emotions play a dramatic role in determining your mental and physical health. here to read more

Dementia Cases to Triple by 2050

Medical experts say it is an illness that often goes undiagnosed in the early stages. Unfortunately, the problem of Dementia is not going away; there is no cure, and cases are expected to triple by 2050. According to the World Health Organization close to 36 million people around the globe live with dementia. Dementia is here to read more