Search Results for: brain


10 Signs of Clogged Arteries You Need to Know

A build-up of cholesterol can cause your arteries to become clogged. When this occurs, there is a much higher risk for a cardiovascular event to occur. But often times, a person may live with clogged arteries without any signs or symptoms until something more serious occurs. Your body will reveal very subtle signs that your here to read more

6 Warning Signs You Should Never Ignore

Memory loss doesn’t come without warning. But unfortunately, many patients don’t recognize the early signs of memory loss, which delays diagnosis. Although there is no cure for memory loss, early detection is still important, because treatment can begin early on to slow down memory loss progression. Many people simply believe that memory loss affects the here to read more

Want Better Memory? Try This

There is a very enjoyable way that you can start improving your memory, according to the latest research findings. If you’re over the age of 50 and are sexually active, you most likely have better memory than someone who is not sexually active. The study was conducted on 6,016 individuals who were all over the here to read more

The Surprising Cause of Vision Loss Unveiled

It is well known that stress can have harmful effects on your entire body and health. Researchers from Germany and India recently confirmed that not only does vision loss contribute to stress, but stress can worsen vision loss, creating an endless cycle. The study uncovered that prolonged and chronic stress contributes to strain not only here to read more

Everyday Common Foods that Help Reduce Stress

Everyone has their own way to deal with this stress, like going for a walk, meditating, or eating. Eating often becomes comforting through times of high stress, but this is not the best coping mechanism. When we’re put under stress, our bodies release hormones to cope, often called the “fight-or-flight” response. This refers to sticking through here to read more


10 Foods That Can Slow down Aging

The key to a long, healthy life and looking and feeling your youngest is properly nourishing your body. Each cell in your body requires the right nutrients to function. Eating the right foods can go a long way in not only making you appear younger, but making you live longer too. By adding the following here to read more

7 Tips to Improve Your Bladder Control

Bladder leaks can be quite embarrassing, and if you suffer from them, you may rate yourself as having a lower quality of life. This is because you’re scared to go out in public, scared to laugh, and scared to sneeze all because of the fear of leaks. What if you can’t find a bathroom? Then here to read more

Another Reason Why You Shouldn’t Smoke

We all know that smoking is bad for us, yet millions of people worldwide still smoke. Smoking is linked with heart disease, cancer, respiratory problems, among other issues. Now there is another health concern that smoking is linked to that you may not have known about. Smoking has been found to damage your body’s muscles, here to read more
