Search Results for: brain


Can Food Choices Help Your Memory? It Depends

What you eat everyday can influence how you remember and your risk for dementia. But you have to be patient. For example, if you eat a ton of veggies, fish, whole fruits, and whole grains, you might not function exceptionally different than someone that eats an unhealthier diet. It’s not like every time you eat here to read more

Keeping Memory in Check During Self-Isolation

Inactivity and isolation are not good for your memory. If you struggle with memory, self-isolation can prove particularly challenging. There is no shortage of worrying and stressful situations these days. They can take hold of mental health rather quickly and your memory may suffer as a result. To keep your cognitive function in check, it’s here to read more

Quick Tips That Can Help You Fight Inflammation

Chronic inflammation puts you at risk. At risk for what? It puts you at risk for heart disease, heart attack, stroke, Alzheimer’s, and more. It can even put you at risk for the coronavirus. How? By exposing your immune system. Inflammation is a sign of immune-system engagement, where two things are happening. One is that here to read more

Easy Hacks to Boost Energy This Spring

Is it just me, or do winters get longer with age? Today’s been the first in a while that I’ve got outside without a heavy coat—or any coat at all—and to be honest, it felt a little weird. Sad, I know. Winter can suck the energy right out of a person. The dark short days here to read more

Strengthen Your Memory with the New Sleep Method: Study

A new, innovative method could help bolster memory processes in the brain during sleep. The joint study by Tel Aviv University (TAU) and Weizmann Institute of Science researchers relied on a memory-evoking scent administered to one nostril while patients slept. The study led by Ella Bar explained the process saying, “We know that a memory here to read more


Are You Walking Your Way Towards a Dementia Diagnosis?

Memory tends to slip a bit with age. Although it can be alarming, it doesn’t necessarily indicate dementia or Alzheimer’s. But it doesn’t mean you aren’t walking towards a diagnosis. On its own, memory loss is not enough to guarantee a dementia diagnosis. Most people experience some degree of normal, or accepted, memory slippage. It’s here to read more

Do You Have Liver Disease?

It’s one of the most important organs in your body, but it’s also one of the most subtle. Do you have any idea how healthy your liver is? After all, it’s not like you can measure how well it’s working. You know if you’ve got high blood pressure. Short on breath? It could be your here to read more
