Search Results for: brain


Are You Walking Your Way Towards a Dementia Diagnosis?

Memory tends to slip a bit with age. Although it can be alarming, it doesn’t necessarily indicate dementia or Alzheimer’s. But it doesn’t mean you aren’t walking towards a diagnosis. On its own, memory loss is not enough to guarantee a dementia diagnosis. Most people experience some degree of normal, or accepted, memory slippage. It’s here to read more

Do You Have Liver Disease?

It’s one of the most important organs in your body, but it’s also one of the most subtle. Do you have any idea how healthy your liver is? After all, it’s not like you can measure how well it’s working. You know if you’ve got high blood pressure. Short on breath? It could be your here to read more

Are Nerves to Blame for You Incontinence?

There are all things we want to keep inside and not share with others. Literally. But if you find yourself having to run to the bathroom whenever you step into a friend’s house or enter a public space, it can be embarrassing. Nobody wants to deal with that. There is a close connection between your here to read more

Another Big Benefit of the Mediterranean Diet

Gut health can be exhausting. Prebiotics, probiotics, fermented this, fiber that—it’s a lot. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a diet that took care of all of that for you? Well, there is. You’re probably familiar with it, too. New research has just added another notch onto the belt of the Mediterranean diet—gut health. here to read more

Building Better Balance

Man, was I amazed when I saw my aunt in the closet the other day. It’s not that she was in there, or even that she was on the floor, but rather how she was positioned. She was not hiding, nor did she fall, which is a concern for most 69-year-olds. Rather, it was that here to read more

Maximize Memory By Staying Focused

You may have “senior moments.” Everyone does. You know, those times when your mind wanders when you’re performing a routine task. No big deal, right? Most of the time. These moments of cloudiness are typically related to a slight degradation in “executive function.” Executive function is the captain of your brain’s ship: it helps you here to read more


Can You Lower “Bad” Cholesterol Too Much?

Cholesterol levels are a top concern among Americans focused on heart health. Whether you’re using statin medications or lifestyle measures to reduce it, can LDL get too low? Your body needs cholesterol, even the bad stuff. Low-density lipoprotein, or LDL, is the stuff doctors are concerned about. Small particles can accumulate on arterial walls and here to read more

Are You Aware of Your Eye Health?

Sometimes, it can be pretty intimidating when you think of how one health problem translates to others. But you may be in the dark about just how closely connected some issues are. For example, your risk for eye disease and vision impairment goes way up if you’re overweight or obese, have diabetes, high blood pressure, here to read more

Cooking Techniques to Limit Cholesterol

High cholesterol is a big-time risk factor for heart disease. When cholesterol accumulates inside your veins and arteries (called atherosclerosis), it raises blood pressure and puts increased pressure on the heart to pump blood. When your heart has a hard time pumping blood, it can lead to a bunch of problems. Not only does it here to read more
