Search Results for: Health


Many parents believe flu vaccination is unnecessary

Flu vaccination is recommended as an effective preventative measure against the flu, yet many parents believe getting flu shots for their children is unnecessary. Lead author of the study Dr. Scott Field said, “The first and most common reason could encompass a belief that risk for contracting influenza is low in their family as well here to read more

Botox proved to be effective in treating urinary incontinence

Women who struggle with urinary incontinence and who have not managed to obtain relief through medications or other therapies may want to try Botox injections, which have been shown to help control the condition. The researchers compared the effectiveness of Botox injections and an implanted nerve stimulation device. Those women who received injections experienced on here to read more


Schizophrenia natural home remedies: Diet and exercises

Schizophrenia is a chronic brain disorder associated with hallucinations, paranoia, lost touch with reality, and an inability to express emotions. The most common treatment for schizophrenia is with medications such as antipsychotic drugs, but natural remedies can also go a long way in treating schizophrenia. Often known as alternative or complementary therapy, natural remedies for here to read more

New research confirms the dangers of salt

We already know that too much salt is bad for our health as it contributes to high blood pressure. And now, new research findings add fuel to the fire, confirming the hazards of excess sodium intake. A 25-year study found that salt increases your risk of premature death. The research uncovered that if you usually here to read more

Job loss worry linked to higher diabetes risk

A new study has found that if you worry about losing your job you’re at a higher risk for diabetes. The researchers reviewed data from 141,000 American, European, and Australian workers with an average age of 42. The researchers found a 19 percent higher risk of diabetes among those who had doubts about their job here to read more

Infographic- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)- What do the Statistics Say Related Reading: Irritable bowel syndrome symptoms, recognizing IBS signs, triggers, and types Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms can occur at any time, leaving you bloated, cramping, and overall uncomfortable. Continue reading… IBS vs. IBD: Causes, symptoms, risk factors, and complications Recently, there has been a lot here to read more
