Search Results for: Health


New insight into age-related hearing loss

New insight into age-related hearing loss has been uncovered. Age-related hearing loss is often believed to result from problems within the ear, but the new findings suggest the culprit is issues in the brain, instead. The researchers found that the brain’s ability to process sound diminishes as we age. The researchers divided 32 adults into here to read more

Don’t let seasonal changes put you at risk

Although the turn of the season is a beautiful time, it can also be dangerous. The Farmer’s Almanac has published some safety tips to ensure you have an enjoyable fall without hazards. Flooding: There is a higher risk of flooding during the fall, especially if you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes. here to read more

Is the upcoming election hurting your blood pressure?

It doesn’t matter where you look or where you go. Every channel, every radio station, every newspaper cover… somewhere, somebody is talking about the upcoming elections. Of course, election time is always a bit frenzied, but this year the race to the top is particularly heated. As a voter, sharing in the responsibility of choosing here to read more

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise

In Alzheimer’s disease, memory loss and cognitive function may be improved with regular moderate exercise. Exercise is effective in Alzheimer’s disease because it improves the efficiency of memory-related brain activity. The researchers uncovered the beneficial effects of exercise in seniors with mild cognitive impairment. Not only does exercise improve memory recall but it improves brain here to read more

Parkinson’s disease stages: Progression patterns in Parkinson’s

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurological disorder that occurs in stages. Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include tremors, lack of coordination, and difficulty speaking. Symptoms can worsen depending on progression dynamics. To diagnose Parkinson’s disease, doctors use the Hoehn and Yahr scale which classifies the symptoms. This scale is broken down into five stages based on here to read more

Triglyceride levels and the impact of alcohol

Triglyceride levels can be affected by alcohol intake in many different ways. For starters, alcohol consumption means more calories to metabolize. No digestion is required, so it goes directly to the liver. Instead of metabolizing fatty acids, the liver then starts processing the alcohol. As a result, the triglyceride levels in the liver – and here to read more


Human longevity maxes out at 115 years

If living forever is your long-term plan, then science might have popped your bubble. New data suggests that human life span maxes out at 115 years. So far, the record for the longest living human being is 122 years, but scientists say not many will top this number. Senior author Jan Vijg said, “Further progress here to read more

7 fixes for common digestive problems

Bloating… we have all experienced it, and yet we can’t quite seem to avoid or beat it. Bloating is a highly uncomfortable feeling many of us have a hard time shaking off. What’s worse, it can strike at any time. You can be out enjoying yourself one minute and the next you’re counting down to here to read more

Bile reflux: Natural home remedies and treatment

Bile reflux is a condition in which bile backs up into the stomach and the esophagus (the tube connecting stomach and mouth). Bile is an important agent that aids in digestion. It is produced by the liver. Bile reflux may accompany acid reflux, but the two are separate conditions. Unlike acid reflux, bile reflux cannot here to read more
