Search Results for: dementia


Your eyes are the window to your brain

Although there is no cure for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, early detection is still important so that treatments can be put in place to slow down disease progression. Unfortunately, detecting dementia and Alzheimer’s disease isn’t always the easiest and diagnostic methods aren’t always the most reliable, until now, of course. Researchers found small opacities that here to read more

Poor heart health increases your risk of this

When your heart is sick, there are a few well-known outcomes that can occur, including heart attack, heart failure, circulation problems, and stroke. But did you know that having a sick heart doesn’t just affect your heart? In fact, if you have poor heart health, your memory could take a hit as a result. Poor here to read more

Protect your memory with this one activity

It can be scary to think that maybe one day you won’t remember someone’s name, or your own birthday, or who your loved ones are. Unfortunately, as populations continue to grow old, there are more and more people struggling with memory loss, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. The worst part yet is there isn’t a cure here to read more

