Search Results for: colon cancer


Toxic megacolon: Causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment

Toxic megacolon is a condition of a malfunctioning large intestine. Namely, the term megacolon implies the atypical dilation of the colon, while “toxic” indicates the severity of the problem. Often a complication of inflammatory bowel disease, toxic megacolon is a rare and life-threatening condition in which the large intestine quickly widens within a few days. here to read more

Colonic inertia diet: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Colonic inertia is a disorder that can come with severe abdominal pain or bloating. It is best described as abnormal passage of stool. In some cases, the colon ceases to function normally. Also referred to as slow-transit constipation, colonic inertia means that a person has constant constipation along with abdominal discomfort. People who suffer from here to read more


Eating more tomatoes decreases skin cancer

A new study finds that increasing tomato intake in mice reduces the size of skin cancer tumors. The most commonly found cancers are non-melanoma skin cancers. Each year, non-melanoma skin cancers are diagnosed at higher rates than breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined, and their rates are climbing. Despite being one here to read more
