Search Results for: Health


Thrombosis vs. Embolism: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Thrombosis and embolisms are different conditions, but they’re both characterized by a blood clot. Thrombosis happens when a thrombus, or blood clot, forms in a blood vessel. As a result, blood flow through the vessel is reduced. With an embolism, a piece of a blood clot (embolus), foreign object, or other bodily substance becomes lodged here to read more

Tooth Loss? You May Be at a Risk of Heart Disease

Losing our baby teeth is a sign that we’re becoming adults. But when teeth start to fall out in the later stages of life, it isn’t such a joyous occasion. In fact, it could be indicative of a serious medical condition. Previous studies have shown the connection between dental hygiene and cardiac health, but new here to read more

5 Cooking Habits to Reduce Your Hypertension

Diet plays a role in high blood pressure, particularly the consumption of unhealthy foods and above all, salt. What you eat goes a long way in either raising your blood pressure or maintaining a healthy level. But before you consume food, you need to pick what you are going to eat, prepare it, and cook here to read more

How old is your heart?

A study from Public Health England found that one in 10 men over the age of 50 have a heart that is 10 years older than their actual age. In the U.S., one in three deaths is attributed to cardiovascular disease. Every 40 seconds, one American dies as a result of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease here to read more


Can Hearing Loss Finally Be Prevented?

Noise-induced hearing loss is the most common type of hearing loss. Before, noise-induced hearing loss was mainly seen among older adults as years of noise exposure ultimately lead to hearing loss. Nowadays, noise-induced hearing loss is being seen among younger generations as they are exposing themselves to unsafe levels of noise. The main way to here to read more
