Search Results for: Health


This Habit Is Putting Your Liver at Risk

E-cigarettes have grown in popularity as a “safer” alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes. There is still much we don’t know about the actual safety and risks that e-cigarettes present, but some new findings suggest that when it comes to your liver, e-cigarettes pose a real threat. Lead author Theodore C. Friedman explained, “The popularity of here to read more

This Popular Beverage Is Hurting Your Heart

If you enjoy the occasional alcoholic beverage, there isn’t anything wrong with that. But if your drinking is regular, you may be hurting your heart. A new study suggests that the more alcohol you consume, the faster your heart beats. It is known that binge drinking is associated with atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). The earliest here to read more

Side Effects of a Low Libido You Didn’t Know

If you think sex is something that only the younger generations do, then you’re denying yourself some serious health benefits. Sex is so much more than an expression of love. In fact, it can benefit your health in several different ways. Health Benefits Sex Provides Reduces stress: Stress is a known underlying cause of several here to read more

The Surprising Factor That Affects Your Vision

If you’re concerned about your vision as you age, there is one thing you can do to keep it as healthy as possible. Sure, eating well, exercise, not smoking, and regular eye exams all work to help you maintain your vision, but this one thing that researchers uncovered that can protect your vision will surprise here to read more


How to Continue to Build Muscle at Any Age

When you age, maintaining and building muscle becomes more difficult, but not impossible. Many older adults don’t realize the importance of maintaining muscle, and no, it’s not to look buff and strong. It actually keeps you safe and healthy. This is because strong muscles help support our skeleton to prevent breaks and fractures. They also here to read more

This Habit Is Putting Your Veins at Risk

Smoking is bad. You know this, I know this, the entire world knows this. And yet, each year over seven million people die as a result of their smoking habit. Smoking is bad for all areas of health. This article will highlight the specific dangers that smoking has on your vascular system, which includes your here to read more

Ulcerative Proctitis: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, and Diet

Ulcerative proctitis is a mild form of ulcerative colitis. Between 25 and 30 percent of people diagnosed with ulcerative colitis have this form of the condition. Ulcerative proctitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) characterized by small lacerations in the intestinal tract which break through the mucosal lining. This form of colitis affects the rectum here to read more
