
Category Archives: Heart Health

Tooth Loss Can Be a Sign of This Health Problem

Tooth loss may seem like a normal part of aging, but it could be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Recent study findings looking at postmenopausal women found that women who experience tooth loss are at a higher risk of developing hypertension (high blood pressure). There have been several studies that have looked at here to read more

Metabolic Syndrome Diet: Foods to Eat and Avoid to Lower Risk of Heart Disease

A metabolic syndrome diet can make a difference for those who have one or more of the characteristics of metabolic syndrome. In fact, research suggests that dynamic lifestyle adjustments can delay or prevent the development of life-altering health issues if you have metabolic syndrome or any of its components. Metabolic syndrome is actually a cluster here to read more


Do This One Thing for a Healthy Heart

New research findings suggest that if you want to reduce your risk of heart attack or stroke, it only takes an hour or less of weightlifting a week. The study looked at over 12,600 adults for over a decade. The researchers found that small amounts of resistance exercise weekly was associated with a 40 to here to read more

Does Coffee Increase Blood Pressure?

Coffee is one of the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide. Annually, around 19 billion pounds of coffee are consumed around the world. Whether you are an avid coffee drinker or just enjoy the occasional cup, you may be wondering if it’s a healthy beverage or not. There have been several studies linking coffee with health here to read more

Is There a Link between the Heart and Liver?

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University have conducted studies to determine a possible link between liver and heart health. Liver disease is slowly becoming a common ailment in America, with the most common cause being a non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). NAFLD is caused by a fat build-up in and around the liver, which causes damage to here to read more