
Category Archives: General Health

How to bounce back from the holidays

It’s been almost a month since the holidays have come and gone, but you may still be feeling groggy, tired, and low. We are now approaching mid-winter, which means there’s still at least a month of little sunlight and cold weather to go – unless you live in Florida, of course. No wonder this gloomy here to read more


Inflammation in the body decreased by 20 minutes of exercise daily: Study

A new study from the University of California, San Diego, is showing that just 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day can help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation occurs when the immune system rushes to protect the body from injury or germs, though this swelling may become permanent and have detrimental effects. Inflammation can here to read more

This common remedy won’t protect your bladder

Drinking cranberry juice or taking cranberry supplements is a common go-to treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs). But is it really as effective as we think it is? Research is now questioning the age-old faith in the benefits of cranberry, suggesting that cranberry products won’t actually help you much when treating a UTI. Cranberries no here to read more

Urine test can detect a person’s healthy diet: Study

A new urine test is being developed by researchers from Imperial College London, Newcastle University, and Aberystwyth University that has the ability to detect how healthy a patient’s diet truly is. The five minute test evaluates biological indicators in an individual’s urine sample that are created by the breakdown of specific foods. It is able here to read more

High-fat, low-sugar diet improves diagnostic imaging of cardiac sarcoidosis

A high-fat, low-sugar diet improves diagnostic imaging of cardiac sarcoidosis. Previously, diagnosing cardiac sarcoidosis using imaging tests was challenging as the images were unclear. Researchers uncovered that having patients consume a high-fat and low-sugar diet up to 72 hours before the testing helps improve the imaging clarity, which in turn improves the accuracy of diagnosis. here to read more