
Category Archives: Brain Function

Strategies For Older Adults to Improve Their Sleep

As you get older, it can become increasingly difficult to maintain a good night’s sleep. With the change in body chemistry and hormones that come with age, falling and staying asleep can be tougher than ever. That’s why improving your sleep is so important – sleep deprivation has been linked to depression, impaired cognitive performance, here to read more

Hollywood Star Bruce Willis Diagnosed with Dementia

Hollywood actor Bruce Willis, known for his roles in the Die Hard franchise and countless other blockbusters, was diagnosed with dementia last week. His family announced last March that he had been diagnosed with aphasia, a condition that affects a person’s ability to communicate. It usually happens after a stroke or head injury but can here to read more

Sleeping For Less Hours at Night Doubles the Risk of Clogged Leg Arteries: Study

If sleeping is difficult, you may be at a higher risk for clogged arteries. New research suggests that inadequate sleep could seriously affect your health by raising your risk of developing peripheral artery disease (PAD) by 74%. This serious condition is associated with cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart attack. In this blog post, we’ll here to read more

Olive Oil is Beneficial to Prevent Alzheimer Disease & Lower Cholesterol: Study

As we age, reducing the risk for major illnesses like Alzheimer’s disease or high cholesterol may seem daunting, but simple dietary changes can have a profound effect. One pantry staple that acts as a preventative and curative powerhouse is olive oil. Recent studies have indicated its potential to reduce the risks associated with Alzheimer’s disease here to read more


Being More Flexible with People with Chronic Pain Promotes Their Mental Health: Study

Dealing with chronic pain can be incredibly challenging, and it may seem impossible to find ways for it not to impact your mental health. However, a recent study has suggested that being flexible when dealing with people suffering from chronic pain could be key to promoting their mental health. By making accommodations where possible to here to read more

Food Insecurity in Older Adults Accelerate Cognitive Decline: Study

Maintaining a healthy diet is essential for helping to keep cognitive decline away. Unfortunately, many older adults experience food insecurity, which can greatly impact their cognitive abilities. Research has found that compared to older adults who are food secure, those who experience food insecurity show a more significant cognitive decline over time. Understanding the consequences here to read more

Lack of Sleep May Cause Long Term Health Risks: Study

Do you find yourself getting less than the recommended amount of sleep? If so, listen up! Lack of sleep may be causing more harm to your body than you realize—from making you more prone to illness to dramatically increasing your risk for diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, respiratory conditions, and cardiovascular diseases. In this blog post, we’ll here to read more

Another Reason to Address Sleep Apnea

If you repeatedly wake up feeling unrested or have a partner explaining how you’ve kept them up again with raucous snoring, it might be time to have your sleep assessed. Sleep apnea is a condition that can have some serious consequences. It is marked by breathing difficulties during sleep, which can lead to lower oxygen here to read more

Getting Good Sleep Could be Important For Your Heart Health: Study

When it comes to your heart health, getting good sleep is an important factor often overlooked. While exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet are essential for keeping your ticker in good shape, sleep also significantly promotes overall cardiovascular wellness. Recent studies show that inadequate or disrupted sleep can increase the risk of high blood here to read more