Search Results for: flu


9 yoga poses for fibromyalgia treatment

A recent study has shown that there may be some major benefits to practicing yoga for fibromyalgia. But what is fibromyalgia? It’s a chronic disorder that predominantly plagues women over men. Sufferers experience varying degrees of muscle pain and constant persistent fatigue. All of the following conditions can be categorized as fibromyalgia: endometriosis, chronic fatigue here to read more

Why you should reduce your intake of dietary fat

It’s pretty obvious why you shouldn’t consume too much fat in your diet. It can lead to weight gain along with other health problems. The latest study findings uncover another reason to steer clear of dietary fat, especially if you’re a male with prostate cancer. A diet high in fat can increase the spread of here to read more

The best foods to eat when you’re tired

Do you wake up tired? Are you yawning as you read this? It’s true that as we age, we get more tired, but there are several factors that contribute to fatigue. One main factor that is often overlooked is diet. Although many of us associate sleep with tiredness, diet also plays a significant role in here to read more


3 easy steps for better digestion

Do you suffer from bloating, gas, indigestion, and other digestive issues? They can be quite frustrating to live with on a daily basis. Healthy digestion is an important part of our health and even identity. You need regular bowel movements to ensure all those toxins are being released, and being backed up can lead to here to read more
