Search Results for: smoking


9 tips to prevent bone loss

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that commonly affects older women. In osteoporosis, bones become fragile and brittle, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures leading to disability and a lower quality of life. In osteoporosis, the body’s ability to create more bone becomes limited, so more bone is being broken down than replaced. Some may here to read more

Why it’s so important to keep your liver healthy

Fatty liver disease is growing to be a serious problem, as more and more individuals are developing the condition. Unfortunately, many of them are not being diagnosed until it’s too late. Fatty liver disease occurs as a result of fat permeating and surrounding the liver, which causes it to become bogged down and sick, impairing here to read more


Heart racing at night: Causes and treatment

You may notice that your heart races at night or you experience more frequent heart palpitations. For some, this may actually be an all-day occurrence which is overlooked because you are just too busy during the day to notice. But by the time you relax at night, these symptoms become more apparent. Other people may here to read more

Giant cell arteritis: Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Giant cell or temporal arteritis is the most common type of vasculitis disorder and is characterized by inflammation of the lining of the arteries, particularly of temple arteries found in the head. The condition often results in headaches, scalp tenderness, jaw pain, and vision problems. If the condition is not properly treated in time, blindness here to read more

Metamorphopsia: Causes, symptoms, tests, and treatment

Metamorphopsia is a type of distorted vision symptom or disorder that causes you to view a grid of straight lines to appear wavy and parts of the grid to appear blank. This phenomenon is commonly experienced in different macular disorders, which are disorders of the retina which is responsible for central vision. What is metamorphopsia? here to read more
