Articles Related To Immune System.



Category Archives: Immune System

It’s Here – Cold and Flu Season

It’s officially here, people taking time off work, your kids and grand-kids staying at home, sick in bed with high fevers, and hospital and doctors offices entertaining high volumes of people with similar complaints, a cold and flu virus, and while we are no stranger to the effects and inconveniences of the cold and flu here to read more

Can the Flu Shot Really Curb Heart Disease Risk?

Most years, there are over 100 million doses of influenza vaccine available to protect Americans; however, on average about 30 percent of the adult population in the United States receives an annual flu shot. Now, medical researchers are giving people more reason to consider protecting themselves against influenza. They believe the flu shot can curb here to read more

Understanding Free Radicals

Free radicals are now considered the biggest accelerator of aging.   Although you are likely familiar with the term, if you really want to avoid falling victim to free radical damage, you need to know exactly where they come from, what they do to your body and how to neutralize them. Below is an in depth here to read more


How to Know if You Smell

Worrying that you have an unpleasant body odor can negatively affect your self esteem.   The last thing that you need to be worried about when you’re at work or out with friends is a nagging thought that you smell a little “funny”.  Learn about the ways to determine if you smell, as well as the here to read more

The Top Places Germs Hide

It’s no secret that germs are everywhere. Those microscopic organisms can be helpful, but then again they can cause serious illness in plants, animals and humans; they can even lead to death.  Microbiologists say it is wise for us to educate ourselves about where germs are concealed. Some of the top places they hide may here to read more

Is Your Toilet Carrying Disease?

Many people would rather wait it out then have to face the dreaded public toilet, but are they really as scary as they are made out to be? Most people spend as little time as they can in any kind of public restroom, from the ones at your doctor’s office, to the one in the here to read more

Cleaning Chemicals Damaging Your Health

A clean house is just a quick and easy spray or squeeze away according to advertisements. The problem is that while these products may be creating a shine, they could also be leaving something else behind…damage to your health. Environmentalists say just like you inspect a piece of fruit before you buy it, you should here to read more

The Worlds Weirdest Allergies

Allergic reactions pertain to immune system responses to foreign particles that may have entered the body and may potentially cause damage to cells and tissues. Allergic reactions are generally triggered by tiny particles floating in the air or small molecules that may be present in certain food items, fabrics, and other materials that come in here to read more

Serious Warnings Surrounding Caffeine Inhalers

In March, 2012 the U.S.  Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to Breathable Foods Inc., who is the maker of AeroShot (a caffeine inhaler) for false or misleading information.  Additionally, the FDA also told the company that they question the safety of the caffeine inhaler and are concerned about the use of the here to read more

The Dangerous Chemicals in Antibacterial Soap

When it hit the market in the mid 1980’s consumers thought it was revolutionary; a soap that could kill bacteria and microbes that cause viruses. Today a great majority of hand and body soaps are labeled as antibacterial. The main ingredient in the soaps is called “tricolsan” and now scientists believe it could be dangerous. here to read more

Seal Flu – The Newest Epidemic

People might have just begun to stop hearing about the bird flu, but just as one door closes another one opens. And this one could be even more scary than the last. A new flu strain found in New England harbor seals could prove to be very threatening and researchers are saying the problem has here to read more

What Your Doctor Won’t Tell You: Vaccines

Each year, millions of people around the world avail of vaccines against infections that seasonally emerge. The flu vaccine, for example, is commonly administered each year as a preventative treatment against the development of influenza. The administration of the flu vaccine is based on the principle that the deactivated flu virus in the vaccine will here to read more