
One Step Closer to a New Parkinson’s Drug

Parkinson’s disease is a severe condition characterized by the deterioration of the nerve cells of the brain and the rest of the central nervous system, ultimately causing problems with posture and movement, as well as memory loss or forgetfulness. The initial stages of the disease usually involve shaking of the arms and legs and a here to read more

Ways to Know Your Drinking is a Problem

A moderate intake of alcohol has been associated with a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease, and mental health benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety levels. Moderate is the operative word however, because consuming too much alcohol can have a serious negative impact on your health, your family life and even your career. If you here to read more

Eating Disorders in the Elderly Population

An eating disorder is a common type of psychiatric disorder that primarily affects females and if left untreated, it can result in serious physical and mental health ramifications. Approximately 8 million Americans are currently suffering with an eating disorder, and disordered eating is the psychiatric disorder with the highest mortality rate. Sadly, there is no here to read more

Can You Really “Block” Aggressive Behavior?

There might be no cure, but there is at least some hope for preventative measures for those who have mental health issues specifically surrounding tendencies towards aggressive or angry behavior. New research has identified something within angry mice that also exists in humans, and as a result have found away to shut it off. There here to read more

5 Ways to Stop Alzheimer’s Before it Starts

As the population ages in North America, the number of cases of Alzheimer’s disease is also going to rise. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia in the older population. It is an irreversible, progressive, brain disease that destroys memory and thinking skills and is eventually fatal. There is currently no cure for here to read more

Avoid the Itch. Natural Mosquito Repellants.

The annoying buzzing on your patio may make you want to head inside, but you shouldn’t let mosquitos ruin your summer! There are some natural mosquito remedies as well as preventative methods that you can use to help repel those nasty mosquitos. Treatment and Natural Mosquito Remedies There are a number of natural options that here to read more

Study Shows if Stress Makes You a Bad Father

In today’s busy, economically unstable world, almost everyone experiences some degree of anxiety on a regular basis and anxiety disorder is the number one mental health disorder in North America.  Continuous high levels of anxiety can result in a wide array of physical and mental health implications and it has been associated with an increased here to read more

Avoiding Alzheimer’s Through High Caffeine Levels

Dementia compromises a persons’ thinking, memory and reasoning capabilities, as well as their overall mental performance capacity.  Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia and there is no single, definitive way of preventing this form of dementia, nor is there a treatment to cure it.  There are however, ways to reduce ones risk here to read more

Ringing Ears Not Just for Old Folks

Can you speak louder please?  Hearing loss has been long considered as a feature common among the elderly, yet according to a recent medical report, hearing loss can also occur in the younger, general population.  According to the report published in the British Medical Journal, hearing loss may also be caused by specific occupations that here to read more

Handling Nightly Bladder Embarrassment

The average person, with a healthy bladder can sleep at least 6 to 8 hours without having to get up to go to the bathroom. Certain health conditions however can compromise a person’s bladder health and result in frequent night time urination, otherwise referred to as nocturia. Night time urination not only disrupts the sleep here to read more

Are Anti-Depressants Just Sugar Pills?

One in ten Americans over the age of six take antidepressant medication. This is quite worrisome, given the side-effects and the substantial health risks associated with them. Even more scary is the fact that the Food and Drug Association (FDA) has low standards when it comes to approving the sale of new antidepressant drugs. In here to read more

The New Phenomenon for Your Teeth

CoQ10 is a naturally occurring compound which is a powerful antioxidant, and it plays an essential role in cellular energy production. It is commonly used as a treatment to combat symptoms related to statin drugs, which prevent the body from producing CoQ10 and can lead to muscle weakness. Supplementation with CoQ10 is traditionally associated with here to read more

Preventing Chronic Diseases in the Elderly

Aging is strongly associated with the onset of a number of chronic diseases, resulting in hospitalization and treatment of specific medical conditions. One of the most of common chronic diseases that affect the elderly is heart failure or the decreased capacity of the heart to pump blood to deliver oxygen to various tissues of the here to read more

Healthy Tips For Travellers

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the comfort of our own home is a challenge that many of us have been able to rise to, but what about staying healthy on the road? When we are away from our regular routines, exposed to different climates, different foods, and different people, we put ourselves at a higher risk for here to read more