heart attack

Heart attack risk not increased by consuming high-cholesterol foods

Consuming eggs and other high-cholesterol foods does not increase the risk of heart attack. Furthermore, there is no association between those with the APOE4 phenotype and a high-cholesterol diet. Dietary cholesterol only affects serum cholesterol. A minor and limited research has found a link between dietary cholesterol and an increase in cardiovascular disease. Worldwide, there ...click here to read more

Pneumonia can increase risk of heart attack, stroke, or death from heart disease for years

Pneumonia can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death due to heart disease for numerous years. The study which examined the association found within the first month of pneumonia diagnosis, the risk of cardiovascular events increases four-fold. After the first month, the risk remains at 1.5 higher, compared to those who never ...click here to read more

Key differences between heart attacks in men and women

Experts stress, there are key differences between heart attacks in men and women, from causes to symptoms, and they can also be more fatal in women. The American Heart Association hopes to raise awareness of these differences to make women aware of heart attack indicators along with different treatment methods. If women don’t recognize heart ...click here to read more

Sjögren’s syndrome may raise heart attack, stroke, pulmonary hypertension risk

Sjögren’s syndrome may raise the risk of heart attack, stroke and pulmonary hypertension, according to research. Sjögren’s syndrome is an autoimmune inflammatory disease; the body’s immune system attacks the glands where fluid is excreted, like the tear or saliva glands. When this occurs the eyes are unable to produce tears, the mouth becomes very dry ...click here to read more

Shingles (herpes zoster) can increase heart attack risk in seniors: Study

Shingles (herpes zoster) can increase heart attack risk in seniors according to a new study. The study examined 67,000 seniors with newly diagnosed shingles who were 65 and older. The findings uncovered that stroke risk and heart attack risk increase within the first three months of shingles diagnosis but then normalize again after six months. ...click here to read more

PTSD may increase heart attack and stroke risk in women

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, an anxiety disorder, is often associated with those who have gone to war. PTSD happens after people have experienced traumatic events and continue to recall stressors. Symptoms of PTSD can come in the form of nightmares, flashbacks, difficulty sleeping, and feelings of detachment. Since PTSD is most commonly associated with ...click here to read more

The scary truth about undiagnosed diabetes

If you have diabetes or maybe your doctor has warned you about prediabetes, you should know the importance of managing it. Diabetes, although a serious health concern on its own, can lead to numerous health repercussions that can have lasting effects. If diabetes is not well treated, you can end up with some serious health ...click here to read more

Your blood pressure is still too high: Study

A government report revealed that many Americans with high blood pressure are not properly managing it, thus increasing their risk of experiencing heart attack, heart disease and stroke. The report showed that nearly 47 percent of Americans with high blood pressure have not been able to bring their numbers down to a healthy range, either ...click here to read more