
Category Archives: Pain Management

Bunion pain worsened with winter shoes

If you suffer from bunions, you may notice that as it gets colder and you switch from open sandals to closed, narrower footwear, your bunion pain is getting worse. Bony bumps on the joint at the base of the big toe, bunions develop over time, though their exact cause is unclear. Winter shoes are usually here to read more

7 pains you should never ignore

We all experience pain from time to time. Maybe your back hurts or your knees are sore. It often doesn’t really matter where the pain is, all you know is that the older you get the more pain you experience. For the most part, pain can signify a pulled muscle, overworked joints, or simply old here to read more

Opioids for back pain offer limited relief

Many patients suffering from back pain take prescription opioids even though there is little evidence that these medications offer relief. The survey included over 2,000 patients suffering from lower back pain. Of the nearly half of the participants taking opioids for pain, only 13 percent stated that they experienced any sort of relief. Forty-four percent here to read more


Pain Awareness Month: Rheumatoid arthritis, dry eye, shingles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, chronic migraine

September is Pain Awareness Month, so we present our top articles discussing conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, dry eye, shingles, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, chronic migraines, and chronic pain. Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition and negatively impact a person’s quality of life. Worse yet, if you don’t know the source of your pain, it can here to read more

National Celiac Disease Awareness Day: IBD, migraine, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free diet, liver disease

September 13, 2016 is National Celiac Disease Awareness Day. As it’s approaching next week, we present our top stories discussing various aspects of celiac disease, including inflammatory bowel disease, migraines, gluten sensitivity, gluten-free diet, and liver disease. September 13 was chosen as celiac awareness day because that is the birthday of Samuel Gee who was here to read more

Can dry eyes cause migraines and headaches?

If you’ve ever wondered – Can dry eyes cause migraines and headaches? – the simple answer to that question is, yes. But before we discuss the association between dry eyes and migraines, let’s get a quick overview of dry eyes. While dry eye symptoms may be experienced differently by different people, some general commonalities include here to read more

Fibromyalgia vs. peripheral neuropathy: Causes, symptoms, risk factors, and complications

Fibromyalgia and peripheral neuropathy are two conditions that affect the central nervous system, resulting in pain. Aside from muscle pain, fibromyalgia also involves sleep disturbance, mood changes, and memory issues. It is believed to be caused by a physical trauma or psychological stress, but the exact cause is still unknown. Fibromyalgia is often accompanied by other conditions, here to read more

Alzheimer’s disease patients receive less pain relief medication as they report pain less often

Alzheimer’s disease patients receive less pain relief medication as they report pain less often due to altered pain perception. The study found that Alzheimer’s disease may change a person’s ability to experience pain or recognize that they are in pain. This is problematic because the concomitant health issues may go undetected, causing further complications. In here to read more

Revised fibromyalgia guidelines by EULAR for better patient management

The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) has revised guidelines regarding fibromyalgia in order to improve the management of patients with this chronic conditions. The guidelines offer evidence-based recommendations, including non-pharmacologic and psychological interventions. The updated guidelines come after a decade since the original recommendations for fibromyalgia management appeared. The authors wrote, “[These recommendations] allow EULAR here to read more

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) associated with chronic narcotic use: Study

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with the chronic use of narcotics in child patients. Lead author Jessie P. Buckley said, “Chronic narcotic use is common in pediatric IBD patients, particularly among those with anxiety and depression. Describing the characteristics of children with IBD using long-term narcotics is important to define the magnitude of this here to read more

Fibromyalgia may raise osteoporosis risk

Fibromyalgia may raise the risk of osteoporosis. A condition characterized by widespread pain, fibromyalgia can result in limited mobility and lack of sunlight exposure – factors that increase the likelihood of osteoporosis in a patient. Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by the loss of bone mass. Factors that contribute to bone strength include exercising, here to read more