Search Results for: diabetes


Sugary drinks with meals reduce fat metabolism: Study

Sugar-sweetened beverages like soda hold much of the blame for America’s obesity epidemic. They have been linked to not only increased weight gain, but also to tooth decay, diabetes, and even heart disease. Soda is not the only drink to pin the blame on though, as Americans consume sugar-laden fruit drinks, sports drinks, and sweetened here to read more

Understanding shift work sleep disorder and tips to cope

Shift-work sleep disorder (SWSD) is a condition that affects workers who perform changing shifts or work at night. Nearly 20 percent of the U.S. workforce takes part in shift work, which goes against a person’s natural circadian rhythm. SWSD develops as a result of recurrent sleep disruptions and is most commonly seen among individuals who here to read more

What is an enlarged bladder? Causes and symptoms

An enlarged bladder is a medical condition where the sac involved in holding urine becomes larger than normal. It is referred to in the medical community as bladder hypertrophy. The condition is characterized by thicker bladder walls that become larger from overstretching. An enlarged urinary bladder may occur from birth, while other enlarged bladder causes here to read more

Lack of sleep makes you less positive: Study

Getting enough sleep can be difficult for some of us. An estimated 33 percent of Americans are not getting the amount of sleep they need. This is not only making us tired: according to a new study, it is also taking a toll on our physical health, increasing the risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke here to read more

Smelling your food can make you fatter

A new study finds that mice without a sense of smell do not gain weight in the same way as mice that can smell what they are eating. Being able to smell our food has been linked to how much we enjoy eating it. Imagine walking into a restaurant and not experiencing the suddenly overwhelming here to read more


Interesting new way to lower your cholesterol

Thousands of Americans are taking statins to lower their cholesterol. Cholesterol is a big threat to your heart because it results in plaque buildup in the arteries, which causes them to narrow. Statins work by blocking a substance your body needs to produce cholesterol. Furthermore, statins may help the body reabsorb cholesterol that has built here to read more

New app can predict if you will die after a liver transplant

Scientists at Northwestern University have developed an app that can predict your risk of cardiovascular complications following a liver transplant. On average, 6,500 people receive liver transplants each year in the United States. Liver transplant patients are among the highest risk of developing cardiovascular complications post-surgery. Nearly 35 percent of patients will develop a serious here to read more
