Search Results for: diabetes


Why you may want to switch up your morning coffee

Whether you’re an everyday coffee lover or an occasional drinker, you may want to switch up your regular coffee for a different kind. Although there have been some studies that revealed the benefits of coffee, there is a different kind of coffee that can offer many more health benefits. Green coffee a healthier alternative to here to read more

What is atypical angina? Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Atypical angina is a classification of a form of chest pain called angina. The term “atypical” is used to describe a form of anginal chest pain that does not fit the typical presentation. Chest pain is often characterized as squeezing, pressure, heaviness, or tightness. Typical anginal symptoms occur during times of stress or activity due here to read more


Long-term effects seen from early-life exercise: Study

If you were active and exercised while growing up, then good news: research suggests that all that working out could still be benefitting you today. A study has found that bones retain a “memory” of exercise’s effects long after the exercise has been completed. Furthermore, this bone memory continues to change the way the body here to read more

7 reasons why you’re forgetful

When we start to become forgetful, many of us immediately jump to Alzheimer’s. In some cases, forgetfulness is a telltale sign of Alzheimer’s disease, but there are actually numerous reasons for an older person to experience memory fog and forgetfulness. So don’t worry—there could be a simple solution to your forgetfulness. Below you will find here to read more

These foods are full of health-boosting antioxidants

When you hear about healthy foods, many of them don’t really seem appetizing. Or they’re an exotic food that you either can’t get or is really expensive. Healthy eating shouldn’t be complicated, so we have compiled a list of simple everyday foods—some which you may even already be eating—that are packed with antioxidants and go here to read more

7 hidden causes for your tiredness

Tiredness and fatigue are often attributed to a poor night’s sleep, but there are actually several other reasons why you continue to yawn and suffer from low-energy. Understanding the hidden cause of your tiredness can help you combat feelings of fatigue and have you back to your high-energy self. Below you will find seven hidden here to read more
