Search Results for: weight loss


It’s Not Too Late to Start Reversing Muscle Loss

Muscle loss, also known as sarcopenia, is a severe health condition that commonly affects older adults. Sarcopenia can result from several factors including a poor diet, lack of physical activity, and even certain health conditions. When we lose muscle, we become weaker, and we increase our risk of injury. This is because strong muscles help here to read more

Muscle Loss Associated with Disability after Stroke: Study

Muscle loss is associated with disability after a stroke, according to research findings. The study looked at body weight and composition during the follow-up year after ischemic stroke and their association with disability. The researchers found that 21 percent of patients developed cachexia – weakness or wasting of the body – one year later, which here to read more

4 Signs That Reveal Muscle Loss

If you’re overweight, it’s advised that you lose weight, as being overweight is unhealthy and can contribute to many complications. Ideally, when losing weight, you want to burn fat and build muscle. But how do you know if you’re achieving this properly and not losing muscle in the process? Maintaining strong muscles at any age here to read more

Surprising Cause of Memory Loss Revealed

A water expert has revealed that dehydration may contribute to memory loss. Dr. Jide Owolana explained that along with staying well hydrated to reduce the risk of memory loss, we should also cut back on our consumption of sugary drinks and alcohol. There are many health risks associated with dehydration including mood swings, reduction in here to read more


Tooth Loss? You May Be at a Risk of Heart Disease

Losing our baby teeth is a sign that we’re becoming adults. But when teeth start to fall out in the later stages of life, it isn’t such a joyous occasion. In fact, it could be indicative of a serious medical condition. Previous studies have shown the connection between dental hygiene and cardiac health, but new here to read more

9 tips to prevent bone loss

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that commonly affects older women. In osteoporosis, bones become fragile and brittle, increasing the risk of breaks and fractures leading to disability and a lower quality of life. In osteoporosis, the body’s ability to create more bone becomes limited, so more bone is being broken down than replaced. Some may here to read more
