Search Results for: weight loss


Diseases That Aren’t Just for Older Folks…

Some painful afflictions that you associated with your parents or grandparents could strike you or your children much sooner than you thought possible. Cancer There are certain forms of cancer that young people are known to get such as lymphoma or leukemia, but both breast cancer and melanoma are forms of the disease that can here to read more

These Carbs Are Way Worse Than Bread

Leading a healthy lifestyle generally involves the consumption of nutritious diets consisting of fruits and vegetables and an ample supply of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.  In addition, regular exercise and eight hours of sleep each day, coupled with diets rich in fruits and vegetables, may also assist in promoting good health.  For individuals who aim here to read more

Simple Ways to Cut Calories Every Day

For most people struggling with weight issues such as obesity, counting calories appears to be the most reliable and effective way for weight loss.  Awareness of the amount of calories consumed on a daily basis may thus control excessive eating, which may in turn result in weight loss.  Counting calories will also teach a person here to read more

Are Vitamin Deficiencies Making You Fat?

Physicians often recommend to patients struggling with obesity to engage in a weight loss program that includes regular exercises and healthy diets. Daily physical movement for weight loss helps in burning the energy that is often stored in the body as fat. Healthy diets, on the other hand, include the consumption of fruits and vegetables, here to read more

Craving Junk Food? Eat This…

Food cravings are often considered as the biggest challenge when one attempts to lose weight.  Cravings are emotions focused on the desire for a food, drink, or chemical that imparts a comforting effect on an individual.  There may thus be cravings for chocolates, donuts, or chips, which are generally considered to be rich in calories here to read more

Cold Cuts Should Come With Warning Labels?

Protein is generally recognized as a major component of our daily diets, allowing a resource for essential amino acids that comprise various hormones, enzymes and structural components of the body that promote good health. Without any protein in our daily diets, it may be possible to develop poor muscles and bones, as well as problems here to read more

Forget the Gym and Just Eat Less?

It might be easier said than done, but it’s worthy of a mention following some shocking new research. With all of the big gyms and trainers pushing hot, sweaty and time consuming work-outs it really might be some research that is shaking the very foundation of weight loss efforts around the globe. Louisiana State University here to read more


Summer Drinks That Aren’t So Bad for You

While alcohol might not be entirely recommended for anyone trying to lose weight, or who is participating in strict weight loss efforts there is still some good news. Well kind of. Dieticians and healthcare practitioners might not be keen on recommending alcohol of any kind for a whole host of reasons, it is also true here to read more

The New Fragrance Claiming to Make You Thin

Imagine the fresh, aquatic, scent of musk, vanilla, mandarin, grapefruit and bergamot, emanating from your body, and your ability to lose weight magically increasing as a result. “Too good to be true” says the healthy skeptic in you; however the French makers of a new perfume which is being touted for its “pleasant fragrance” and here to read more

Snoring is No Laughing Matter

For some people, snoring simply pertains to that noisy way of sleeping that often wakes up another person sleeping next to him or her. Snoring may sometimes turn into one of the major sleep problems that may affect the quality of rest one gets each night, prompting the use of natural sleep aids as treatment here to read more

Is Salad Sabotaging Your Health?

Salads can be chocked full of healthy food items and loaded with essential nutrients, however not all salads are created equally and if you buy into any of the following salad myths you may be unintentionally sabotaging your health and/or weight loss efforts. Myth #1: Salads are Low in Calories Many people assume that ordering here to read more

Doing This is Just as Dangerous as Smoking

It might be hard to believe that there is something as equally bad for you as smoking. But not only is there something equally as bad, but it’s something that you wouldn’t expect. As it turns out, new research is showing that simply not getting a moderate amount of exercise, being obese, or not being here to read more
