Search Results for: brain


Coffee Compounds Linked to Reduced Prostate Cancer

Studies revealing the benefits of coffee are endless, as coffee has been linked to several health improvements including liver function, heart function, and brain function. The latest research findings suggest that compounds found in coffee may help curb prostate cancer risk. Coffee contains over 1,000 non-volatile chemical compounds and over 1,500 volatile ones. These can here to read more

Eating Garlic May Reduce Age-Related Memory Problems

Eating garlic may reduce age-related memory problems. The latest study suggests that compounds found in garlic can help combat age-related changes in the gut, which are linked with memory problems. Research lead Jyotirmaya Behera explained, “Our findings suggest that dietary administration of garlic containing allyl sulfide could help maintain healthy gut microorganisms and improve cognitive here to read more

Avoid Sleeping in on the Weekends

For many of us, the weekends are a time to catch up on some lost sleep from the week. This may not be as good of an idea as you think it is. Research suggests that every hour of sleep lost requires four days of adequate rest to make up for it. Generally, the majority here to read more


Cannabis May Aid in Dementia Treatment

There is growing hype around cannabis, and more studies are being conducted on the regular to better understand the possible benefits of cannabis on different health problems. The latest study sheds light on the potential use of cannabis for dementia treatment. Researcher’s from King’s College London are carrying out a clinical trial on cannabis-based treatment here to read more

Sleep Helps Improve Your Arteries

Research suggests that a good night’s sleep helps to keep your arteries healthy. The latest evidence suggests that sleep can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis – hardening of the arteries. When arteries become stiff, it increases the risk of a cardiovascular event. The researchers studied the development of atherosclerosis in mice. They found that sleep-deprived here to read more

Untreated Diabetes Associated with High Chances of Developing Alzheimer’s Disease Signs

Untreated diabetes is associated with a high chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, patients who are taking medications to treat and manage their diabetes are warding off Alzheimer’s disease. The risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease was 1.6 times greater among those with untreated diabetes. Psychologist Daniel A. Nation explained, “Our findings emphasize the importance of here to read more

5 Tips to Fall Sleep Faster

A poor night’s sleep can lead to a horrible day ahead. Constantly not being able to sleep can have long-term negative consequences on your health and mood. If you’re struggling to get to sleep, then you may want to try these five doctor-recommended tips to fall asleep fast. 5 Tips to Fall Sleep Faster Meditation: here to read more

10 Surprising Signs of Poor Blood Circulation

Healthy blood circulation is necessary for the body to function correctly. This is because our blood carries oxygen and other essential nutrients that fuel all our organs and cells. Without proper blood circulation, we can start to experience declining health. One of the first signs we think of to spot poor blood circulation is cold here to read more
