Search Results for: smoking


Quitting Smoking and Hangovers – New Research

If you’re at a pub having a few drinks and you’re thinking about reaching for a cigarette, you may want to think twice.  New research published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs has shown that smoking can actually make your hangovers worse which may leave you wondering if you should finally quit here to read more

The Connection: Cell Phones and Smoking

The majority of adult smokers (approximately 70 percent) would like to quit smoking and more than half of all smokers have tried to quit smoking in the past year. Smoking not only increases your risk for lung cancer and cardiovascular disease, it also increases your risk for bone density loss, infertility, and at least 14 here to read more

Does an Outdoor Smoking Ban Mean Less Damage?

Second hand smoke has been associated with various respiratory diseases and cancer.  Does banning outdoor smoking really help decrease second hand smoke exposure? Several medical reports have shown that cigarette smoking may result in major health damage, including the development of lung cancer and other respiratory and systemic diseases.  Health organizations have also campaigned for here to read more

Gargle with Lemonade to Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be a daunting task, but there is no need for reminder as to why smoking is considered so deadly. If you knew that there was one simple trick to help you in your smoking cessation efforts, you would certainly give it a try, right? There is now some hope, based on science here to read more

Quitting Smoking to Extend Your Life 10 Years

Quitting smoking is not only good for your wallet, it can also help to reduce wrinkles, increase vitality, lower your risk for lung cancer and heart disease, intensify taste buds, and increase overall feelings of wellbeing.   As if that’s not enough reasons for you to go smoke-free today, a new study has found that smoking here to read more

Smoking – and the Velvet Bean?

The decision to quit smoking to prevent further health damage may be easily to make, but the actual engagement in smoking cessation may be at least twice as challenging. Cigarette smokers are aware of the damage that may develop in their bodies, including the deterioration in lung function and the increase in risk for lung here to read more

Doing This is Just as Dangerous as Smoking

It might be hard to believe that there is something as equally bad for you as smoking. But not only is there something equally as bad, but it’s something that you wouldn’t expect. As it turns out, new research is showing that simply not getting a moderate amount of exercise, being obese, or not being here to read more

Can You Quit Smoking and Stay Slim?

While it is no secret that weight gain during and after quitting smoking is a very common part of the process, and one that should be monitored in certain people, weight gain is getting to be a bigger problem when trying to kick the habit than ever before.  But experts say that although the numbers here to read more


Why it’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking

If you’re a smoker and you’ve put off quitting because “the damage is already done”, think again. Research recently published in the Archives of Internal Medicine shows that smoking is a risk factor for pre-mature death and that quitting at any age is beneficial. The researchers looked at 17 previous studies on smoking and mortality. here to read more

Reducing the Harm Caused By Smoking

Tobacco use causes more deaths per year then the deaths caused by illegal drug use, alcohol use, HIV, motor vehicle accidents, suicides and murders combined!  Cigarettes not only reduce your vitality and increase your risk for cancer; they also vastly increase your risk for cardiovascular disorders. In fact, an estimated 128,497 people die per year here to read more

The Effects of Smoking on Your Skin

If you’re a smoker, smoking cessation should be your top priority because cigarette smoking is the number one cause of preventable death in North America. Smoking is associated with multiple health conditions including: cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease. In addition to these diseases, smoking also causes skin damage. When doctors are explaining all of here to read more

Why Can’t I Quit Smoking?

Quitting smoking can be incredibly difficult. Why? Because smoking is a habit intimately linked to an addiction to nicotine. Tobacco contains this addictive chemical which is carried with each puff into the lungs and arrives in the brain within seconds. Once in the brain, the nicotine binds to brain cells, releasing an essential chemical called here to read more

Quitting Smoking – Trading One Bad Habit For Another

With all of the research showing the negative health effects of cigarette smoking, many people are turning to cigarette alternatives to help kick their habit. But, could using cigarette alternatives just be exchanging one bad habit for another? There are nicotine replacement therapies such as the patch or gum that are supposed to help a here to read more

The Effects of Smoking on Your Children

If you’re a smoker you probably know all about the negative effects smoking can have on your health, but did you know that you are also endangering the health of your children? Respiratory Infections I’m sure if you’re around kids often, you hear a lot of coughing, sneezing and wheezing.  Acute respiratory infections and are here to read more
