Search Results for: arthritis


Oral bacteria increase hemorrhagic stroke risk

Oral bacteria have been found to increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. Within a single hospital, the researchers studied the patients admitted for stroke to uncover an association between oral bacteria and hemorrhagic stroke. In patients who experienced intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), 26 percent were found to have a specific bacterium in their saliva known as here to read more

Fibromyalgia symptoms in women not affected by weather conditions like temperature, precipitation, or sunshine

Fibromyalgia symptoms in women are not affected by weather conditions, like temperature, precipitation, or sunshine. The findings published in Arthritis Care and Research suggested that changes in temperature could impact fibromyalgia symptoms, but the latest findings found no such impact. First author Ercolie Bossema said, “Many fibromyalgia patients report that certain weather conditions seem to aggravate here to read more

Protect your joints by avoiding this

Much research has come out regarding the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle and prolonged sitting. From cardiovascular issues to obesity and even diabetes, it seems that a sedentary lifestyle can set you up for a number of health conditions. One health condition that is overlooked in talks about prolonged sitting is joint health. Research here to read more

Vitiligo linked to simultaneously existing autoimmune diseases

Vitiligo, an autoimmune skin condition, is linked to simultaneously existing autoimmune diseases. Researchers from St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center created a questionnaire to be answered by children and adults who had vitiligo to determine other coexisting autoimmune diseases, which may appear along vitiligo. Based on the survey results, the most common vitiligo-associated autoimmune diseases (VAAD) were here to read more

Knee buckling treatment reduces falls in older adults

Knee buckling treatment have been found to help reduce falls in older adults. Aside from easing up the injury, the treatment has been proven to alleviate the psychological effects that may accompany the fall experience. Treating knee instability is a priority, as the population continues to age and injuries caused by instable knees can negatively here to read more


The dangers of high cholesterol you didn’t know

There is a very distinct line between good cholesterol and bad cholesterol, and by now you clearly know the difference. In case you don’t, let us reiterate. LDL cholesterol is the “bad” cholesterol, which increases your risk of stroke and heart attack. This is the type of cholesterol that builds up along your arteries, making here to read more

Fibromyalgia associated with cognitive dysfunction, memory loss

Fibromyalgia, a condition best described as chronic wide-spread pain, has been linked with cognitive dysfunction and specifically memory loss. A recent study confirmed the link between fibromyalgia and cognitive impairment. Fibromyalgia sufferers have complained about memory loss and feeling like they are in a fog. Today, the American College of Rheumatology includes cognitive dysfunction, such here to read more
